Trusted for 25+ Years
Her First Female Ejaculation
Erotic Story Submitted By Guest Author Ron Chee
The boss stopped by with a new employee in tow. "Hey guys, listen up and meet Tina, she's our new finishing artist. She starts today, be nice to her O.K.? You had better be, she will be doing the finishing on your projects, 'nuff said?"I must say that for a monogamous, strict Roman Catholic with a stern old world German demeanor, the old boy still had a good eye for the ladies. In addition, all EYES were on this woman. Holy Sheeit, Tina was a head-turning stunner. Among other attributes, she had sumptuous cleavage on display and strikingly perfect legs, beneath her mini, all the way up to her ass. (Which was almost visible.) Tina smiled and said, "Hi nice ta meetcha", to the three grubby, motley guys before her. She extended her hand to each in turn, as introductions were made. I just gaped and like a blithering idiot said something like, "Likewise Ma 'am I'm sure", aw cripes did I really just say that? Did her middle finger just tickle my palm? Nah, couldn't be.
The other fellows were older and more self-assured, they put on their best behavior. I felt like a chrome-plated doofus by comparison. Yet, the attractive woman smiled back at me and said something comforting to my embarrassed self-image. I don't remember her exact words, only her foxy, knowing and a reassuring smile that went with it. I had been married and divorced by then at about age twenty-two. I had been alone and terribly lonely for nearly a year before Tina showed up.
Day by day, bit-by-bit we became buddies on the job. Each succeeding day made me want to get up and off to work just to spend time around her. Tina was older than I, perhaps twenty-eight or so? (In fact, the boss later told me that she was thirty-eight). Quite a bit my senior, damned fine to look at and nice to talk with, but too OLD for me to be openly lusting after. Or so I thought, one just doesn't mess with someone nearly your mother's age. I kept LOOKING, day after day, scanning her alabaster skin set off by her raven black lion's mane of hair for starters. I was ashamed of myself for gawking.
Tina's cleavage was awe-inspiring. The puppies on her chest were cantilevered and seemed to defy gravity. Often as not they seemed to have 'no visible means of support' she appeared not to wear a bra to hold 'em up. God, what kept those enticing things in place?? Her gorgeous fishnet clad legs were usually perched atop a pair of spaghetti strap "fuck me" high heels. Tina wore wrap-around-minis most of the time. (Oh geez, if her skirts contained any more fabric there would have been just enough to fashion good-sized handkerchiefs.)
She was captivating to see and have illicit horny daydreams about. Tina was no fool, she saw me scope her low cleavage, minis, and the sexy legs she exhibited as the workdays went on. She accepted my ogling with aplomb. At her venerable age, I assumed that she had gotten used to it and responded accordingly. She always smiled back at my awkwardness; in fact, she gave the impression of encouraging all the gawking I could muster. Among her winning attributes was a soft sultry and soothing voice. Her laughter had a bell-like tinkle to it. What the delicate sound masked however was a bawdy sense of humor.
She could more than hold her own in risqué repartee with any of us. Not long after coming on board with us, one of the more brazen fellows said to her, "Hey Tina, you were late this morning. What happened, get way laid?" To which she responded without hesitation, "If it's any of your business, I got laid on the way." That shut him up pronto, gales of laughter at his expense all around. I like this woman.
Shortly thereafter, some wag made a snide comment over lunch. "You getting' any on the side Tina?" To that bit of provocative crudity, she responded with, "Mmmm, no, I prefer it in the front and back." And kept on eating. Damn, I really like this woman.
My personal scruples prevented me from openly hitting on her. She was indeed nearly my mother's age. Yet, for Tina, I might make an exception. She could give a hard-on to a dead man. As time sped by, she singled me out to be her workplace friend and confidant. That led to the other guys becoming jealous. Some went so far as to warn me that, 'She must be a whore, dressing like a streetwalker in a business like ours'. They criticized her tits on display and her abbreviated attire. (Methinks they protesteth too much, to paraphrase Willie Shakespeare's apt comment.)
They'd have loved a glimpse of her knickers and garter belt as much as they drooled over her knockers, I sure as Hell would. I defended my new friend as best I could with retorts like, 'Hey, she's an artsy-craftsy type, and dresses accordingly, besides, you'd throw your wife outta bed to make room for her and you know you would.' I had to work with those clowns and did my best to keep an equilibrium we could all live with. Just the same, I overheard comments like, "Obviously the salute cunt wants to fuck him." More obviously, they wanted to fuck her and couldn't get to first base let alone a home run.
Tina did not screw around with married men. I kept a lid on it and tried to ignore their crudities and not get into a fight. (Trust me, ladies, MEN suffering unrequited lust can be more viciously catty that women ever dreamed of.) Tina was not stupid, she knew what was being said about us. Perhaps because of it, our friendship grew. To me, it was unbelievable that the attractive woman was becoming my best ally on the job. How could a bashful rube like me get so lucky? I wasn't a bad looking guy then, no Adonis but not Quasimodo either. A silver tongue and the ability to con women out of their panties with it was never my forte, still isn't.
Now and then, out of earshot of the others, Tina would overtly flirt and tease with me and seemed to enjoy my unsophisticated self-consciousness when she did it. It was never given in a hurtful way. In fact, when Tina was in a major teasing mood she would generously flash me. Tina had her own private workroom. When I would come in for one reason or another I'd find her on her tall work stool, "Fuck me" heels hooked over the middle rung, knees primly together. If no one were around to witness, Tina would move her knees apart, just long enough and wide enough to make damned sure that I got an eyeful. She let me see creamy thighs above her stocking tops and no underpants obscuring her fur-lined beaver. When her mini slid up as the knees spread, I saw what she intended for me to see. One thing about working in and art room, the lighting is good.
Tina's emerald eyes never wavered from mine when she gave me those instant erections. When my face went scarlet, Tina broke a faint devilish smile and slowly closed her legs as though nothing had ever happened. We developed a secret bond, just the two of us. In time, I could walk by and simply nod towards her knees and she would flash me on request. By then, panties seldom graced her pussy, she'd slip them off in the ladies' room shortly after arriving at work if it was to be a day to make Ron blush...I didn't know what the teasing represented other than the ample reason it gave me to provide myself hand made orgasms alone after work at home. I'd masturbate with images of Tina's mysterious pussy floating before my eyes. Gawd it felt good when my fist became her pussy by proxy. If only she knew how often I 'fucked her', in truth she had a good idea how often she told me later and that she hoped that I "fucked her every night". The foxy woman had plans to put my 'needs' to work before long, to satisfy her considerable lusty needs.
Tina took a bus to and from work and never asked any of us for a ride. Not until a chill autumn rainstorm presented a miserable, six-block walk to the bus stop. That afternoon Tina did ask for a ride. No matter what the guys might think, I agreed to be her chauffeur. At the bus stop, it was clear that she'd be soaked by the time the conveyance showed up. I drove her home from there. Tina knew that I had no place to go after dropping her off but to my own dingy apartment (and probably a hand full of my horny dick for dessert after supper). "Hey, come on in and I'll make us some coffee, take the chill off, O.K.?" The offer was as tempting as she was, but my strict upbringing made me feel awkward about going into an older woman's home, unchaperoned.
Yet, my well-ingrained sensibilities told me that, 'one does not disappoint one's elders' either. Dilemma more or less resolved I said, 'O.K., sounds good' and followed her like an obedient puppy. I was eager to please and keen to learn more about this fascinating woman. (I tried NOT to stare up her skirt as we mounted the stairs to her second-floor apartment. I failed miserably and kept my eyes glued on her nearly naked ass. I wouldn't have minded having that swing on my porch, cripes what a naturally erotic wiggle her butt had. Tina's apartment was the cozy upper half of an old two-family home. Her artistic bent showed in the feminine décor. Soft pinks, whites, and lavender predominated. Even the scent of lavender filled the air. The woman's delicate skin and coal-black hair made her look like a living jewel within her environment. It suited her. Almost immediately, I felt comfortable and very welcome there. She hung our damp jackets in the vestibule and had me sit at the kitchen table while she slipped into an alcove and put on the promised pot of coffee. "Won't be a minute" she said, just out of sight around the corner. We chatted amiably like long time friends while she puttered and the pot gurgled.
Despite the cold nastiness outside, Tina's kitchen was warm and cheery; the coffee aroma seemed the best I'd ever smelled. The kitchen was soon to go from warm to exceedingly hot. Tina called from the alcove; "O.K. all set here "comes" hope you LIKE IT." She stepped back into view and my heart stopped.
That beautiful woman had a steaming mug in her hand, a wickedly sultry smile on her face, those 'fuck me' heels on her feet and nothing else. Her clothes were in a pile on the alcove floor. I didn't know where to look first, or if perhaps to shit or wind my watch. OHMIGOD SHE WAS GORGEOUS. Her splendid bare breasts were more alluring than I had envisioned they could be, with their dark rose nipples. They did defy gravity and challenged me to look away. I couldn't. Faint blue lines traced an erotic road map to heaven beneath the delicate skin of her magnificent orbs.
They were perfect for her five-foot two-inch figure, large enough but not pendulous. Her chest ornaments spanned the entire width of her chest. (To paraphrase the old song from South Pacific, she was "BROAD where a BROAD needs to be BROAD") Sans bra, she still had ample amazing cleavage. Her tits appeared to be mounds of vanilla ice cream, with edible pink toppings. I'll have a double scoop of THOSE, please.
Tina's waist was hourglass narrow and led my eyes down to lushly curved hips and the stunning legs perched atop those shoes with their inviting sexual connotations. Her lower belly was attractively, delicately poochy, an erotic love pillow. To me, that was her formerly pregnant badge of femininity. It was a leftover reminder of one of the ultimate events in her womanhood. (And a reminder for me as to what she had done with someone's ecstatic erection "coming" in her young pussy to get her pregnant in the first place.)Just below that was a dense thatch of glossy black, pussy fur. The attractive hair on and around her mons was so luxurious that at a glance it gave the image of witnessing her giving birth to a bear cub. Mounds of thick, silky pubic hair have turned me on ever since. I had seen a few naked women before, including my tall ex with her stupendous; size forty-eight double "D", knockers and her naturally blond pussy. Tina knew the value of a man's voyeuristic libido, she stood stock-still long enough for my mushy brains and stiffening Dick to get coordinated while I gawked at her. When the mirage moved towards me, I was too mesmerized to say a word.
Standing before me proffering the hot mug, Tina asked in a strangely husky voice, "WANT SOME?", OH DID I EVER...Placing the mug in my hands, she eased forward until she stood astride my knee. Running her fingers through my hair she said, "Drink some, go ahead." The coffee was good and nicely hot. "More," she said, and then with my mouth and lips hot from the coffee, Tina leaned closer lifting a breast, adding, "Here, now taste THIS."The fingers in my hair gently but forcibly drew me to her edible mammary. She knew that the extra heat of my mouth would feel good on her tit as I suckled it. I drank more and tasted her breast repeatedly. Her complete areole and the nipple were be"coming" erect. The color showed more intensely pink and very aroused. Little nodules appeared around her nipple for my tongue and lips to explore.
By the time, the coffee was half gone so was she. Her knees clamped my leg like a vise. I felt her shiver briefly, sexcitedly. My erection was trying to unzip my trousers from the inside, in an attempt to get at her. OH, WOW. This was one delightfully BOLD and foxy woman."C'mere" she whispered and drew me up from my seat. At her lead we kissed, embraced, and fondled, within a few more moments, she had me as naked as she was. Gently using my erection as a leash, she led me down the hall to her bedroom. "C'mon, I don't bite, well, not hard anyway." was all she said. I thought that I would keel over in a dead faint. Standing next to her bed, we groped, explored, and touched intimately, in earnest. The harder she made my erection, the stiffer her nipples became. I caressed them nervously, reveling in the way they responded to my touch.
Tina's nakedness pressed against mine was more appealing than I can put into words. Her mouth and demanding tongue tasted like lewd candy. She could have had any man she wanted, yet; I had been selected and allowed to be here with her marvelous breasts in hand and delicious body in my care. The gorgeous, mysterious WOMAN was in no rush. She urged me to take my time and get to KNOW her without saying as much. Tina was returning the favor with her hands exploring every bit of me that she desired. She squeezed my ass and pulled me closer.
Tina knew from our conversations at work, that my divorce had been partially due to my being an inept, inexperienced lover. (The original BUM FUCK.) She had no illusions that I was about to provide her with a masterful LAY. For her, at this amazingly horny moment, Tina's orgasmic thrills would "come" from being able to blatantly seduce me and ultimately provide some erotic "on the job training".
Tina's, surprise off the wall and off the chart, nude seduction would be an added aphrodisiac for her. (It sure as Hell was for me.)Tina pulled me down on top of her onto the bed. Spreading her legs by way of added invitation, she held onto my love muscle for a little longer. She rubbed it around her clit masturbating herself with my erection. THEN, she guided it directly INTO her pussy. OHMIGOD her insides were aflame, so damned HOT in there. What I lacked in skill, I made up for with enthusiasm and staying power. While she let me fuck her she asked of me, "Don't "COME" yet, can you wait for me?"
She was tickling her clit while we danced a wonderful horizontal Pas de dux. Tina's fingers bumped and teased my hard-on while they worked her pussy towards ecstasy. Her erotic activities between her own legs had a hypnotic, addictive effect on me. I distinctly felt her vaginal muscles clamping and relaxing with each IN and OUT stroke that my erection made. OH MY, she was jerking me off with her velvet glove.I tried to follow her bidding and exercise self-control, fuck but not "COME" until my erotic mentor "wanted" it. That was just one of many lessons she taught me, "Try to give unselfish intercourse." I was trying, "Very trying" my ex-wife might have said.
Tina's breathing began to arrive in hitches and gasps as her legs flexed and tightened around my thrusting ass. She slid her sexy legs down mine, slowly, in a manner designed to add to my arousal. Then she pushed them straight out, her toes pointing and straining. When her toes began to curl, Tina's BIG "O" followed. She was only the second desirable female I had ever experienced having a full-blown orgasm with my erection embedded between her legs. (Not a good track record for me.)I felt the force of Tina's vaginal walls ripple and spasm up and down the length of my hard meat. Then she moaned, "Oooh, ooh, oooooh, NOW, DO IT NOW, FUCK ME, DON'T STOP.."The moans became" a disembodied wordless siren song. She lifted her ass off the bed and met me thrust for thrust, forcing my erection as deep into her as she could get it. Her fingers never stopped their busy work between our pubic bones, not even for a second. At last, she was masturbating furiously.
My toes began curling, too late, I was spurting my hot fluids in her marvelous pussy. I hoped that I wasn't too soon for her. I gave a whole (hole?) new meaning to the gas pump expression, "FILL 'ER UP." The amount of "come" that lady had caused me to spill into her sweet slit seemed prodigious, even for a youthful me.
At the apex of Tina's "coming", my pubic hair seemed to be getting wet with something warm. She was squirting a fluid from within herself, it wasn't my "come" in backflow either. I thought that maybe she had inadvertently, during the uncontrolled passion, peed on me. She hadn't, Tina was my first ever- FEMALE EJACULATOR. Later, slightly embarrassed for not forewarning me, she explained what it was. If well enough aroused or deprived of intercourse (or even masturbation) for a while, she would squirt her own brand of orgasmic fluids from her urethra while she was "coming". Daylong fantasies about being laid that night seemed to build her supply and storage of ejaculate.(Sexologists agree that some women achieve that phenomenon, yet almost nothing is known about the psychogenesis of it or the precise mechanics of it either. It has been clinically observed, even filmed, and recorded. You can find actual study results on the Internet. Look outside the porn networks, those show faux ejaculations consisting of urine, not "the real thing" as the Coca Cola ads tout.)
There were other times later when I was eating Tina that she'd let loose and I'd get a dose of her ejaculate in my mouth when she "came". Nothing nasty about, it in fact, I found that it tasted good like any of her natural pussy fluids. (Slightly salty, sweetly musky and very arousing.) What she produced was not as sticky as what I squirted for her, and she could eject her a foot or more when she had a "GOOD ONE".When that happened her little "come" hole fired like an adorable pink water pistol. Her "come" fluids forcefully anointing my mouth only added to my desperate desire to FUCK that sexy pussy as soon as she would allow me.
There are few things more like a true aphrodisiac than SEEING, feeling, or TASTING her "come" juices in action. (Ladies, if you are lucky enough to experience that phenomenon for yourself, bless you. FUN to do isn't it?) Mind if I watch next time? Hee Hee. After our first FUCK, lying next to her basking in the afterglow, I groped for words. We petted and nuzzled. I finally blurted, 'MIGOD you are beautiful.'
Tina smiled and snuggled closer, ", and you keep a GOOD hard-on, is THAT FOR ME?" She replied with a tinkling giggle. She already had her hand on my stiff cock and added, "Nice to see that IT hasn't wilted. Ever fuck your ex-wife or a girlfriend from behind? NOT IN THE ASS just doggy style?" Tina promptly rolled over at that, sunny side down, spreading her legs wide she pulled her pretty ass cheeks apart, exposing her twat and asked, "Wanna DO ME again? Back here? Think you have enough ammo to "come" twice?" She lifted her tempting tail to get my motor humming at top speed for what she was offering. I did what she asked while she gave herself another "helping hand". In my wildest young masturbating dreams, I had NO CLUE that such a sexy, sexual OLDER woman existed. (Never mind getting to have the good fortune to be sharing orgasms with her, momentarily to be"come" multiple orgasms.)
This was THE PERSON I had fantasized about for years with my spurting cock in hand. She was just not as young as the naughty girls in my fantasies were. Now, here she was with her pretty ass urging me to stick my Dick between her cheeks and fuck her a second time... We did have many horny adventures together that gave us two, three, and even four orgasms daily after our initial naked introductions to each other's libidos. Damn, but she was GOOD. We pillow talked after she had let me push her cushions until we both "came again. "Oh God that was good, I haven't been laid in a LONG TIME." she whispered while my "come" dripped out of her saucy pussy. I found that Tina was not promiscuous. She would finger or toy fuck herself to a lonely orgasm before she would consider banging someone indiscriminately.
Both of us had been masturbating for quite a while, until now. I could see the sincerity within her deep green eyes, she'd like a steady, friendly fuck, if we could arrange it. I was no one-night stand for her, that is IF I was a good enough person to feel the same way. (Fuck 'em and forget 'em was not her style.) Tina hoped that it would not hurt my feelings BUT, she wanted our next sexual liaison to be the beginning of a "naughty learning experience" for me. We would begin tomorrow night, she could tell that I was teachable. She would SHOW me what the "big girls like". That she wanted to teach me "things" did not bruise my ego. My masculine "pride" did not get in the way, there was nothing with which it could object to anyway.
The promise of MORE SEX with her overrode any embarrassment I had at being less than a great lay. Shit, I knew that. (Just ask my ex, never mind, don't do that.) I'd learn if Tina would have me. The following night began eighteen months of uninhibited, learning, lusting, and LOVING with that beautiful, outrageously SEXY, older woman. She had me every way you can imagine. As promised, the following evening we stood naked and lusting in each other's arms next to Tina's bed. There she explained that she was going to SHOW ME what a female's erotic plumbing was all about and how it worked. I was to observe and not touch anything except for my own ERECTION unless she told me otherwise. IF I couldn't control myself and just HAD to jump her delectable bones before the lesson was done, she'd let me. (Though I'd get an "F" for the class and have to repeat it. Hmm, THAT didn't sound so bad. At least I wouldn't have to write on the chalkboard one hundred times, 'I will not interrupt the teacher's masturbation.' Bart Simpson, eat your heart out.)
Without further foreplay, Tina stretched out on her bed and assumed a deliciously lewd pose, her legs WIDE apart. Much wider than a woman needs to spread 'em to get laid. Patting her pussy fur invitingly, she said, "C'mere, lie down for a while, get close." Ensconced prone between her legs I watched her spread her labia open with her fingers and begin a satisfying but factual dissertation about the scenery she was displaying. To this day, I easily salivate at both ends remembering THAT.
Tina matter-of-factly explained the INs and OUTs of her pussy. "This is my pussy hole, my vagina, delicious to feel you IN there, but that isn't what makes me "come". Her alluring vestibule twitched slightly while she touched her self there with practiced fingers. She went on to show her labia, inner and outer, and explained how they feel and fit into foreplay, oral sex, and ultimately intercourse. Then she pointed out her pee hole. (An opening that I learned had naughty surprises in store as mentioned previously.) I had to look closely to see that tiny bit of puckered tissue. I'll be damned; it was as cute as the rest of her genitalia. SO, that's where girls pee from? Hmm, cool.
Tina concluded the tour of her genitals with her clit and a beautifully arousing demonstration (for both of us) of how she masturbates that all-important part of her anatomy. She told me to watch the pink, hooded nub swell and be"come" vividly rose-colored while her fingers delicately rubbed and teased it. She knew exactly what it would look like while she excited it to an orgasm. This wonderful woman admitted to having observed her clit in action since girlhood, she used mirrors to watch herself whenever the mood to snoop overtook her libido.
Observing her own clit growing and straining while she "did" herself was as naturally arousing as anything she could fantasize about. In short order, I had to agree as to how moving it was to watch it myself. (It had my erection moving and throbbing that's for sure.) She was right; her clit did as she had promised that it would. It awoke to her touching and went from a shrouded nubbin to a small penis like erection before my eyes. For Tina, it was a major addition to her turn on to know that she was making me hornier than I had ever been. "Watch how I do this", she said with a dreamy smoky voice, "I WANT YOU to do this for me, maybe next time or very soon," her voice trailed off. I watched her fingers rubbing and teasing, delicately then with firm pressure and back to lightly again. She increased the tempo, butterfly wings flitting.
I noted that there was a special rhythm to her masturbation. There would be a smooth, intermittent sliding of her middle fuck finger down her valley into her inner sanctum for a second or two. That maneuver tugged at her clit as it WET her finger with more internal lubricant to masturbate with. She'd shiver from head to toes as she quickly finger fucked the opening and then withdrew.
She was WHETTING my appetite for her as well. Tina whispered, "Go stand at the foot of the bed now and WATCH the rest of this." She was obviously feeling very good and wanted the added turn-on of seeing me masturbating because of HER and what she was "doing". We watched each other while I jerked the erection that she had so generously given to me for HER entertainment.
Now I fully understood why she had fingered herself the first time that we had fucked. She did it for the same reason that I masturbated. No matter what else was, going on IN or around her pussy, a self-administered hand fuck guarantees an orgasm. A girl named Linda had done that with me years before, VERY exciting once I suspected what she was "doing" down there. The erotic body before me exploded in reaction to her self-administered handwork. Tina's pretty legs became astoundingly beautiful as their muscles tightened, defining exceptional feminine line and design, Her belly fluttered and her nipples stiffened, rising like rosebuds, just for me to enjoy. Even the breasts that held those nipples seemed to be"come" rigid, resisting movement as she writhed in ecstasy. I gazed in awe as her head tilted back, eyes closed, her mouth open emitting a momentary soundless cry of soul-searing pleasure.
Tina gasped, then from deep within began a moaning erotic concert, her hips were thrusting and fucking her own finger. Tina's climactic pussy contractions forced out rivulets of lubricating mucous. That was more vaginal stuff that I would soon find to be so sweet. It trickled down and disappeared between the crack of her fanny. (Yes ladies, you do leave your own wet spots on the bed now and then too.)
Her leaking provocative pussy gave the appearance of some unseen lover having just "come" in her. (Lucky bastard.) OH sweet Jeeziz, what an inspiring display of true feminine sexuality Tina provided. I stood rooted to the spot, my cock twitching and dripping in my hand. I was becoming less of a novice in a hurry.
When Tina's breathing had returned to near normal she looked at my erection and asked, "Did you "come"? When I said, 'Almost' she replied with a sly smile and asked, "Waste not, want not... wanna SPILL YOUR SEED IN HERE?" She held herself open. I didn't need a second INVITATION! I was over her, on her and IN her in less than a heartbeat! Lovely, lovable Tina was as hot and as slippery inside as she had been the first time she'd let me fuck her!
Her vaginal walls were still twitching from her post-orgasmic spasms. She wrapped herself around me and bit into my shoulder imploring, "C'MON FUCK ME GOOD!" I don't think that I managed more than about thirty deep pokes into her tunnel of love before I began squirting in there!
She had really uncorked my libido with her display of horny hand fueled antics. (No way that I could last any longer after what I just witnessed!) What she had shown me was the final unleashing of my closet voyeurism. I was free at last!
Tina wrapped up the first lewd demo up on all fours next to me, her delectable ass and pussy aimed in my face. "O.K., here's the REAL DOGGIE STYLE...fuck me from the back? Nice and slow... can you do it again?" She saw how hard my dick was... silly question!
I mounted Tina from behind and enjoyed the glimpses of her marvelous breasts swaying in the dressing mirror. They moved tantalizingly while we rocked each other in counterpoint. She was content to give me a reason to "come" IN her again even if she'd not likely have another BIG "O"! Midway through my drive for another orgasm she announced, "One night I'm gonna teach you how to FUCK MY ASS... ever do THAT before?" I couldn't answer - the very thought of "coming" IN her other love hole gave me lockjaw and a near-instant climax! I could feel her talented twat playfully squeezing my erection as it spurted wildly. The delightfully naughty woman giggled with each pussy grasp she gave my Dick I pushed as far INTO her sweet spot as I could, trying to get the maximum effect from what she was doing to me!
Tina's delicate laughter did sound like the tinkling of a silver bell. Then she said, " I knew that the mention of YOU FUCKING MY ASS would get to you. I'm not kidding, I love IT in the ass BUT, NOT until you know how to DO ME right! I figured that you had never screwed a girl's behind before. Hey, first time for everything "COMING" up soon!" She was overly pleased with my enthusiastic desire to learn about THAT from HER! Reluctantly easing out of the warm security of her elevated pussy, I had a sudden wild urge. With her shoulders still resting on the bed, swirls of sexy black hair surrounding her head on the pillow, I slid down under her. I was looking up at her dripping pussy. 'SIT ON MY FACE?' I asked. Quizzically she replied, "... BUT, I'm full of "COME"...!" 'Yeh, I know. C'mon, squat, I wanna tidy up the mess I've made'. I had done a variation of this once before with another girl.
Tina was game for anything that did not cause pain. She giggled and lowered her fur pie onto my face saying, "You asked for it, don't say that I didn't warn you!" I heard, "Blurp, blurp" and everything in her pussy, her own blended female sex lubricants along with my deposit drained out of her lovely, edible twat all over my mouth! Tina announced, "BULLSEYE, gotcha!" We laughed at her vulgar humor. Astonishingly 'I' tasted pretty good with my gravy mixed with hers. What's the old saying about, "Sauce for the Gander is gravy for the goose?" Or should that have been, "Sauce FROM the Gander IS gravy IN the goose?" That was exciting table fare as leftovers too! She let me lick, taste, and suckle her beaver for about ten minutes. I held and petted her sexy thighs while I ate! It didn't take long before I detected Tina's body beginning to quiver periodically. I felt goosebumps on her thighs. Then my tongue noticed Tina's "Little man in the boat" returning to life and swelling! About then, she began directing my oral manipulations. "Ooh, that's GOOD. Mmm, right THERE, OH YES, keep it up, DON'T STOP. YES, YOU'VE GO IT... GO, GO, GO...MORE... Mmmmmm!!"
I had long since licked and sucked the last of my "come" out of her... now there were more, new and flavorful liquids flowing. Tina began actively rubbing her sweet spot over my face, teasing the special area of hers that would best benefit. She hadn't anticipated her own re-arousal! When I slid my hands up over her ass and pulled her silky beaver tight against my lips, Tina stopped the vocal instructions and began a throaty purring. Hers was a contented pussy! With her slit mashed against my lips, I sucked her tiny erection AS IF IT WERE HER NIPPLES until she asked me to lick it instead.
The sensations were too intense. I licked in and around her pussy, until my tongue was all but paralyzed. Delicate flicks of her clit were the best I could muster. And that was enough, something good was "coming"... she DID just that! I managed one final thrust of my tongue into Tina's vaginal vestibule and kept it there. I felt and savored her luscious orgasm while my tongue resided at the opening to her hole! There was an arousing difference in taste and texture between her slippery pussy mucous and her urethral ejaculate. It wouldn't take long to relish both of those!
One thing to note about that lady, her vagina never smelled or tasted like the proverbial "FISH"... not even during her menses. Her intimate aromas and flavors were of aroused musk and pheromones! Yes, she COULD turn on a dead man! Lazarus all over again if she'd just sit on his face! If Trina screamed any louder while "coming" with her twat against my face someone was bound to call the police! Her legs and hips pumped in unison with her orgasmic melody. She was singing a rather delightfully risqué tune! I had never known Tina to use profanities before that moment... "Oh, you sexy bastard... OHMIGOD, that's GOOD! Oooh, you RAT FUCK... what are you DOING TO ME???... OH SHIT, I'm COMMING... DON'T YOU DARE FUCKIN' STOP!"
The rest of her vocalizing consisted of moaning as the volume subsided and she ground her pussy into my face. (Having a slightly large nose does have its advantages at times!) At the apex of Tina's version of Nirvana, she added to her flowing lubricants by ejaculating! She flooded my face and mouth with a teaspoon or more of her own urethral "come" juice as the coup de grace! It tasted as I had anticipated... like PURE LUST!
Tina never quite knew when she would do that and had no more control over squirting her "stuff" than I had over mine! (NO, I did not spit it out! If she was good enough to anoint me with it, I could at least be gracious enough to swallow it! If nothing else, her "coming" and spewing in my mouth seemed a badge of accomplishment for yours truly! Proof positive that I had "DONE HER GOOD"? She had not anticipated nor needed another orgasm that night. Just giving me a second of those IN her from behind was all she desired. That's the way she always was... a very giving, loving, and delightfully HORNY woman. The pussy licking was a bonus, for both of us.
We fell asleep entwined after that. More than visions of sugarplums danced in our heads. We dreamed of many more shared orgasms to "come"! She was no one-nighter for me either! I needed more of her! I think that was when I began falling in love with the slightly tarnished OLDER sprite in my arms. How many young men have ever had the special opportunity to be tucked under the wings of a seraph like her let alone be lucky enough and invited... to mate with an angel?
I thought THAT only transpired in fairy tales! Fate was kind and there were indeed many more hormonal SEXplosions for us to share. (Including a MEMORABLE tryst in an old fashioned public phone booth!) My "fairy tale" was "coming" true! Life, love, and sex with Tina were an ethereal experience. Now is where I MUST break away and fornicate with my own fist! IMAGES OF MY LUSTY MENTOR BECKON!! I can't type worth a damn with my erection in one hand. And dear readers, from the 'for what its worth department'... my stiff organ is not HUGE... but large enough. Not the largest that you have ever seen or fucked, but it IS as aroused and insistent as any. "DO" what you will with YOURSELF while picturing me DOING ME, for your entertainment, just as Tina often enjoyed promoting and watching for hers! Perhaps pretend that you have a 'hand' in my brief debauchery until I get back here? "COME" with me if you like!
MASTURBATION BREAK OVER! There, I DID IT and am not ashamed to say so! I've found my way back here... my distracting erection wrought by memories of Tina satiated for now. I am no less horny from thoughts of her, and maybe even from what YOU may be DOING... but at least I am able to go on with this chronicle for a while longer! Tina was my version of Dustin Hoffman's "Mrs. Robinson"; only Tina was far more attractive than the celluloid seductress! My edition of the naughty OLDER woman was definitely my elder though she did not appear to be a day over twenty-eight or nine.
The ravages of gravity had yet to catch up with her. As delectably sizable and full as her sumptuous breasts were she could not tuck and hold a pencil in place within the cleft below them! AND, those chest ornaments were ALL HERS! (And mine to borrow!) More important than her physical attributes was that she was a one-man woman. Uninhibited? YES! As horny as a minx? OH YES! A slut? NO, not on your life! Tina was "coming" into her sexual peak as many ladies do at her age. Tina was using hers to both of our maximum benefits! It's the old adage of "Use it or lose it!" I'm sorry that I haven't any photos of her to submit along with this essay. She was a classic beauty. Tina was more than centerfold attractive.
Part of my attraction to her was her considerable artistic ability. She was a better than average commercial artist... her forte being the nude human figure. Formal training for her was had at one of New York's better-known art institutes. She paid for part of her tuition by posing nude herself, as a life model for other students. I can attest as to why they wanted her... her body and face were classically perfect! (Tina found it cute when she occasionally noted a new male student sporting an erection in his pants while she posed.) In time she let me PAW through her personal collection of renderings, sketches and oils all depicting nude men and women.
Some of those were very erotic... my browsing was often a prelude to me PAWING Tina. She knew of more ways to turn me on than I had ever considered while fantasizing my way towards manhood! Some of her more erotic renderings "came" in the form of nude pictures of her ex-husband. Most of her work had a photographic reality to it. She showed him as a good-looking blonde, muscular man with an enormous piece of meat between his legs. Even in a flaccid state, his fuck tool was far more impressive than mine is... even when it's as hard as it can achieve! She had some blatantly pornographic pictures of him squirreled away... definitely NOT for public consumption. In those depictions, he had his ERECTION IN HAND. The most outrageous of those showed a stylized masculine orgasm erupting onto his belly! OH GAWD, I was loving this woman's mindset more and more! Tina had a near-photographic memory for images. (So do I, though it just happens that I am "out of film" at the moment!)
She could paint from memory though she preferred a live model at hand. Tina explained HOW she got her hubby to pose and stay HARD long enough for her to capture THAT on paper or canvas. She would set up her easel and stool. She'd wear her paint-stained smock, unbuttoned and NOTHING ELSE! From his vantage point, he could see her twat. If his erection began, flagging at any time Tina would tease it UP again with a finger IN what he loved to look at and fuck! Under dire circumstances, she'd masturbate with the clean handle of a large brush to tease him! The implied promise of getting to stick his knockwurst in the pussy she was poking right after, was all he needed. (All I needed too, as it turned out!) "Wanna SEE how that works?" I thought that she was just teasing me. 'Sure" I said, always UP for any of her naughty antics. Oops, she had me strip and stretch out on her couch close to where her easel always stood. Me and my big mouth! Tina went to her room for a minute and returned wearing just the smock.
It hung open and concealed next to nothing. I thought that she was playing around to see how long it would take me to develop an erection. Silly girl, I was already HARD! Tina sat at the easel, flashed me continuously, and picked up her charcoal. "I'm going to sketch you... don't wiggle around too much... comfy over there?" I was comfy but my hard-on was in agony... I wanted to ravish her on the spot! She doodled around getting perspectives on paper and then said, "Mmmm, looking good, now play with THAT THING! C'mon, turn ME ON with IT!" I didn't want to "come" all over her nice couch and just stroked myself lightly. In thirty minutes, she had a sketch of me to look at. Before she announced that the project was done Tina inserted a thick brush handle into her pussy and blew my mind while I watched her fuck herself with it on the stool! Indeed, like her ex-husband, my cock couldn't have withered if the house was on fire! (Not at seeing what she was "doing" for me to observe!) 'FIRE IN THE HOLE, FIRE IN THE HOLE!" to use an old military expression. FIRE IN HER HOLE!!!
She'd gleefully made us both HOT enough to set the sketchpad ablaze! Then "came" the invitation to see me through her eyes. Geez, if I were a girl, I'd fuck the guy on the paper too! I don't look THAT good, never have! I appreciated the kindness that she had done me! Then we went to the couch and put her FIRE out with the brush handle! That was a new kinky twist for me! I'd never been with a girl using a "toy" on herself before! Tina's masterpiece in my estimation hung in her bedroom. It was a near life-size oil on canvas, a nude self-portrait in photographic clarity. It was Tina as a sultry "Venus reclining".
Her VENUS exuded raw sexuality... I fell in love with the Goddess on the wall and with the mind that had created her. Tina even encouraged me to take advantage of the arousal the painting provided. She'd have me look at the image and absorb the "promise" it inferred and masturbate while doing so. Tina would stretch out stark naked nearby to observe my Dick frolics and masturbate along with me! I wish that I were a better wordsmith to be able to paint vivid pictures of Tina's physical beauty for you to fall in love or at least lust with as I had.
Yet, as unrestrained as her libido was and as full of Joy de Vivre; she'd be embarrassed by the accolades I pile on her here. After Tina had seduced me with a startling nude offer of "Coffee and..." a red hot romp on her bed followed. That was the moment that she tucked me beneath her wings. She masturbated to climaxes in order to show me how to do THAT for her (and every other woman that she knew would "come" into my life someday.) When she thought that I had enjoyed sufficient of those electrifying displays my turn to attempt it with her, was "at hand"!
As any experienced woman reading this can attest to, a great fuck with her man (or woman) is best preceded by an orgasmic "helping hand"! There is much to be said for the old adage, "Ladies before gentlemen" isn't there? If he gives a loving GOOD one, his will soon "come" about as well... she'll see to that, won't she? Naked again on her bed and exploring each other found me trembling with anticipation. We petted while probing each other's tongues and upper orifices. She could go absolutely bonkers while getting it in her ears.
After what seemed an eternity Tina guided my hand down across her breasts and then onto her soft, sexy belly. She had an erogenous zone that ran from her belly button to her pussy... a light fingernail, tracing a path back and forth between those drove her up the wall! A little attention to that spot and she slid my hand down to the top of her slit and held it there. Her fuse had been lit! Having done that she left me to my own devices, sink or swim, this was IT for me! Tentatively I explored her wet pussy with a middle finger. She let me touch and probe, absorbing the mysterious textures within the framework of her labia. It felt like fragile flower petals. When I hesitated Tina said, "Don't be so timid... I won't break! Go ahead, PUSH IT IN!" She nuzzled my neck when my finger went into the hilt, "Mmmm, good, my G-spot... nice!"
I felt and explored the bit of rough tissue inside of the front of her vagina, behind the pubic bone... 'so that's what all the hoopla is all about?' I thought to myself. The so-called "G-Spot" was just beginning to make erotic news in those days. In time I found that Tina's orgasms were ambidextrous... she could "come" by manipulating either her clit or her INTERNAL start button. Either or, on-demand! (Hey guys, don't waste your money on French ticklers... use your finger on that!) She was responsive to my inner probing, cooing softly while she let my fingers do the walking! (Bad cliché, sorry 'bout that!) I couldn't see what my finger was doing while kissing her and sucking the nipple that she pushed into my face. I WAS LEARNING THE LAY OF HER LANDSCAPE IN BRAILLE!
Before long she murmured, "Ooh, that's GOOD!... Right there, softly, rub me softly... I'm getting close. OH YES... that's it... you're DOING GREAT!" I began a circular teasing on and around her engorged clit;... I could "see" it through my fingertip. I did as she had shown me. An occasional foray deep INTO her pussy with just enough pressure to tug her clit downward brought more aroused enthusiasm from her. Like you and most women, she needed rhythmic movements and touching.
There is a cadence that leads to feminine orgasms aren't there? To say that I was tickled at the prospect of giving this sensuous woman a manual orgasm is putting it mildly! It was making me so horny to be finger-fucking Tina that my erection felt to have grown to three feet long in response to her reactions. Tina's body telegraphed that she was almost over the top of her plateau... her nipples were in full bloom and she was leaking copious quantities of pussy lubricants around my finger.
Tina felt for and then grasped my erection... she needed a lifeline to hang onto. She squeezed my meat possessively... and then IT ARRIVED! Softly at first and then onto a crescendo! I didn't know whether to continue fingering her hole, my digit simulating a miniature cock fucking her, or what to do for her! I didn't want to fuck up the moment for her. I needn't have worried... she told me what to do! "Oh God, Oh shit... I'm COMING!!!... PUSH IT IN,... OH HURRY... FUCK ME, FASTER... DEEPER... OH GOD... FUCK MEEEE PLEEEEASE!!!" Tina squealed the last three words. I worked my finger IN and OUT like a small horny cock, keeping time with the waves of erotic release I felt within her vagina. That seemed to make her orgasm more intense. I felt her grip on my erection tighten. She grasped harder with each internal spasm. 'My GOD, IVE DONE IT... WE'VE DONE IT!!' was all I could think while she flew to her horny Paradise. With her free hand, she squeezed one breast and then the other until I thought the nipples would pop off like champagne corks! Amazing that she didn't bruise either of them! "Oh, my ovaries hurt! Oh cripes, that was good!" she said panting breathlessly when it was finally over! I REALLY, REALLY LIKE THIS WOMAN!!!
By the time Tina's astounding climax had subsided, her sexy body was glistening with perspiration and the apartment wasn't THAT warm! Still gripping my stiff Dick (to a point where it was turning purple) she said, "WOW... you did me like a pro... go to the head of the class! You learned well... NOW, how would you like yours???" She had me SO TURNED ON and so pleased with myself that I wanted to "come" in every orifice in her beautiful body and told her as much.
Tina agreed... with one caveat. She'd try to get me off in her mouth, in her pussy, and between her tits... but NOT UP HER ASS... at least not tonight anyway. Over the next hour, Tina succeeded. She stood and bent over the bed and had me "come" in her pussy from behind. After that, she sat on the edge of the bed and gave me a masterful blowjob all the way to my pubic hair. (Trust me, Linda Lovelace was an amateur cock pleaser by comparison!) When I started "coming" Tina pulled my ass tightly to her. She never spat out my deposit either! She had a joke about "a little extra protein in her diet couldn't hurt!" Swallowing "cum" never bothered her; even from the first time, she had ever sucked a cock. She liked men and that was a part of a man... just like swapping spit with him and him sucking pussy juices.
After my years of masturbation, I knew that an immediate second orgasm was no big trick. A third one was possible, particularly when influenced by an arousing woman like Tina. I just didn't know how long it would take. Tina didn't give a rat's ass how long... as long as SHE could get me off! That was all that mattered to her. According to her, we'd make a "joint" effort at making my "joint" fire another salvo! She stretched out and pushed her lovely knockers together. "C'mere and FUCK THESE why dontcha?" I straddled her chest and eased my cock down between her breasts and she wrapped those sexy puppies around it! The sight of my erection popping up between her hemispheres and the friction from fucking them was enough stimulation. Amazing, my body felt weak and buckled when I began spurting pearly goo onto her chest.
That ejaculation took a few minutes longer... but what the Hell, we weren't going anywhere. Besides, good things do take longer. Tina had provided my second ever tit-fucked orgasm... and she wasn't to be the last of those either! The lady was not a nymphomaniac in the traditional sense. (True nymphos fuck like demented rabbits in quest of orgasms that they cannot achieve... no matter what or whom they "DO"! Every time they get within a millimeter of having a climax and then lose it!) Tina's libido was simply enamored of daily sex and loved the bonus of having someone to tutor. She was addicted to the sensations of be"coming" aroused and the orgasms that naturally followed. After my third penis geyser that evening, we cuddled and she brought UP the subject of "anal intercourse".
She would begin my tutorial on that subject tomorrow night. Now there was a thought worthy of one more fuck to end the evening! However, my prostate was about as sore as her ovaries and caused me to let the thought alone! The practical application of learning to fuck Tina's adorable "other" hole was not to be what I had expected. In order for me to fuck her ass and "come" in it I had to know what it was like to be on the RECEIVING END!... UH OH!! The following night found us in the bathroom, me lying on a towel on the floor. Tina had my legs over her shoulders while she inserted an enema nozzle in, as she called it, my "Male pussy"! She flushed my temporary cunt with copious amounts of warm water and used a HOT soapy washcloth to cleanse the outside. Despite myself, I was too aroused to let on how embarrassed I felt by her backside ministrations. If it had been anyone else, who knows? I mean, straight men don't get ass fucked... or do they.
After the ablutions were finished, we retired to her bed and we again assumed the legs over her shoulders position. This time she inserted a gloved finger in my butt with lots of Jergen's lotion and soon had my butt hole as slippery as her twat! To quote old Gomer Pyle, "Surprise, surprise!" What she was doing back there felt GOOD! Really good, when she began tickling and stroking my prostate! OH WOW, Tina... I had NO IDEA! She was giving me a "hole" new appreciation as to why gay men engage in anal fucking! I felt an urge to splurge each time she made pressure on my internal ignition switch, not to forget how erotically sensitive the anal nerve endings are as well!
Moreover, for you men, if she inserts a surprise-gloved finger IN your ass for God's sake, drop the macho facade. Don't fight it, go with the flow. If I learned anything from Tina I discovered, WHATEVER makes your woman horny and orgasmic should equally SEXcite YOU! Her orgasms should be the most powerful aphrodisiac that you can ever share! (The late Ann Landers had it right... for sensible men; there is NOTHING more arousing than an ORGASMIC WOMAN!)
Don't be selfish, wham, bam, thank you ma am fucking won't cut it if you really care about her. Let her sexual kinks be"come" your erotic ally. In addition, if you MUST be a hit and run artist, pay a "professional woman" for the rental of her pussy. She won't give a shit about your sexual prowess and everyone will walk away happy as long as you pay cash!
The following night after work and dinner true to her word, Tina laid out the ass fuck accouterments again. She offered her tempting tail to me. Tina talked me through the procedure while I began the same things that she had done with me the previous evening. My hand is much larger than hers is, so I opted to keep the initial insertion limited to three fingers. I did not take a chance on painfully shoving my fist up her cute but tiny rump hole. She was more than able and willing to accept the large toy in her ass as soon as the finger teasing was done.
She had been ass fucked with that thing many times by her ex and she used it now and then for solo sex while masturbating. Tina did like her anal stimulation... on her own or with a good friend! After sufficient butt fucking and teasing with it, she told me when to slide the plastic cock out. From there, she rolled over the sunny side down and had me straddle her legs. She held her cheeks apart while I mounted her. She reached back and held my erection, circling her hole with it and reminding me to penetrate slowly and not too deeply at first! I could see that her sphincters were slightly stretched from the anal foreplay. Where there had once been a tightly closed flower blossom... it had now bloomed ever so slightly. I could see down the throat of it like a hummingbird seeking nectar! When she was ready, Tina said, "Push, nice and easy." Sure enough, my meat went into her oven an inch at a time.
OH man, what a sensation. Though it is not a good idea to ass-fuck anyone without a condom... she enjoyed the awareness of a hard-on "coming" and flooding her ass with warm fluids. (We always used plenty of warm water... as hot as we could stand it... to cleanse and clear anal canals first. That was successful for us but is NOT recommended. A coliform penis, prostate and subsequent bladder infection or epididymitis is nothing to take chances with.) Tina had me push well into her cushions and then hold still while she reached under and played with her clit. I felt her sphincters twitching in cadence with her own finger fucking! Oh Jeez, girl... what do you "DO" for an encore?? "NOW... DO IT NOW... DO IT... FUCK ME"! came out nearly as a whimper just as her orgasm began. Talk about 'riding the wild pony', she lifted me up with her skewered ass and did most of the fucking!
Her back door pussy flexed and spasmed around my erection just as her vagina always did. I hung on just to keep my balance. Her ass was jerking me off and Tina felt me spurting because of her wild gyrations. "Ooh good, I can feel you "coming"... so HOT, so nice... OH, THAT'S SEXY... oh God that's GOOD!" We "came" together. After that, we ass fucked about once a week. Sometimes she simply bent over the bed with few preliminaries... and other times I bent over the bed for her. I'm not sure just where the expression, "A piece of ass" COMES from or why it is used almost exclusively in context with fucking a woman. It shouldn't be that way... considering that Tina liked a "piece of MY ass now and then! Hey, fair is fair!
Tina's all-time favorite ass sex position had me lying dick UP on the bed and she would be on TOP, tits UP with her head on my shoulder. Her ass would be positioned on my lap and her breasts available for me to play with. In that pose, she would take my cock in hand and work it into her fanny. I couldn't do much fucking pinioned that way but she would get us both off with her largest vibrator. When she would insert that damnably delightful device into her raging twat, I could feel it through her vaginal and anal walls while she engaged in some terrifically arousing self-fucking! Those were awesome joint orgasms.
Tina taught me that "coming" in tandem with your partner went way beyond special. It was as close to a 'religious epiphany' as I would ever SEXperience! If there was anything, that Tina did not know how to do to please her and her partner... well it just hasn't been invented yet. (And people have been fucking for millennia... that says a lot for her!) She was not a shrinking violet when it "came" to lusty, loving sex! A quick side note regarding Tina's delectable nipples as sexual teasers and pleasers. (And female nipples in general.) Hers were moderately erotically sensitive and provided her with some direct clit stimulation whenever she or I tinkered with them. (I learned about that the very first time I suckled them while drinking HOT coffee!) Hers were partially hard-wired to her clitoris. She claimed that she felt something akin to electrical tingles "down there" whenever I sucked and slobbered her nipples to the point of being rose pink "upstanding citizens"!
On a horny Richter scale of one to ten,... she felt that hers rated about five (up or down a notch) depending on the degree of her erotic need. She told me about a gal pal that had nipple ratings of ten and higher. That woman could have orgasms just from manipulating her own breasts or if someone else did it for her. NO vaginal or clit ministrations required. I wasn't sure the woman wasn't pulling Tina's pretty legs... until I married such a woman myself! My wife could play with her own petite breasts while I watched and held her when she "came" as a result! For proof positive, I inserted my middle finger deep into her pussy and used it as a naughty seismograph.
I didn't masturbate her pussy; I just left my finger quietly IN there to detect the vaginal earthquake that accompanies a female's orgasm! Damned if she wasn't really "coming" just from diddling, twiddling, and petting her own chest decorations and nipples... UP to nearly three-quarters of an inch high. YES, boys n' girls... for fun we did measure them a few times! And YES, that is a lot of sail for such a small ship! It seems from my lifetime of SEXperiences that small-breasted women are more apt to have the gift of breast-induced orgasms. May I ask you ladies with nifty little hood ornaments... am I right? Can you or someone else get you off just by stimulating your anatomy above the waist? For me, that is just another arousing way to get laid. I am NOT a so-called "Tit, leg or ass" man. I LOVE whatever it is that ladies have that PLEASES them! Big or small, short or tall, leggy or not... it should all be the same to any right-thinking man that you encounter if you are happy to share yourself with us.
During the time that Tina and I spent together, we were into each other's pants every day... hot as two-dollar pistols! Often enough we screwed more than once a day. (On weekends, it was usually more than that!) Even during her menses, Tina desired and invited lower invasions. She called me her, "Well trained BLOOD hound!" We were so randy for each other that our naughtiness spilled over to the workplace... and not just twat flashing either.
The first time that we let it get out of hand Tina had asked me to help her move a large box in the supply room. She followed me in and LOCKED the door behind us... UH OH! Tina bent over a large carton on the floor. Grasping it, she instructed me NOT to help lift the box but "Lift my skirt" instead! She was grinning like a bawdy Cheshire cat! Thinking that she was just being a playful tease, I did it. OH MY... she had removed her panties in the ladies' room again! Her gorgeous "BOX" was temptingly available. Tina whispered, "Hurry up and fuck me before we get caught!" What a sight she was, bent over, her "fuck me" heels delineating her beautiful legs and her fur pie surrounded by ass cushions of indescribable attractiveness. That was a short but sweet FUCK!
Later at home, she had allowed her horniness to simmer all day preparatory to what was to "COME" on her bed! She had as memorable an orgasm as I could give her! Actually, she gave herself a second one just for the entertainment value! That illicit orgasm IN her twat from behind in the closet wasn't our only dangerous liaison. Not by a long shot! Another time, we had gone to a street concert way downtown near "The village". The music fest was put on by latter-day flower children. We had a good time listening and copping feels. Everyone there seemed to be making out... free love was "coming" into vogue again. Around midnight the skies opened up and everyone in the vest pocket park scattered for shelter. It began pouring like the hammers of Hell.
Tina helped me find a snug old-fashioned walk-in phone booth in which to keep dry. It was the type of glass booth with bi-fold doors. Close them and the overhead light went on. Open the doors a crack and the light turned off. From inside we could barely tell that everyone had beaten it out of there and were long gone. No one here but us chickens boss! The rain was becoming torrential and soon we could hardly see across the darkened street. As the lightning flashed, there was no sense in trying to reach my car, parked five long blocks north.
We were marooned... NOW, WHAT?? Tina KNEW WHAT! Above the din of the storm, she snuggled and asked, "WANNA FUCK?" She had the prettiest and lewdest smile on her face. Her braless erect nipples showed like beacons through her damp blouse. She moved the door ajar and placed my hand onto one of her breasts in the near darkness. While I massaged her chest, she reached for and petted my crotch. We kissed and smothered every inch of each other's faces. There wasn't a soul or a car to be seen anywhere. At that revelation, Tina bared her breasts totally. What the Hell, why not, who'd see us?
In another twinkling, Tina had unlimbered my love snake and began its evening exercises! She had it out for a stroll and a breath of fresh air! Okay, Darlin'... tit for tat! I slid my hand under her mini and down into her panties! I'd exercise her "kitty" in exchange for the favor she was doing for me! Good grief Charlie Brown... her knickers and pussy were SOAKED and not from the rain either!
Tina had promoted many wild orgasms in my company... but the one to "come" for her was as untamed as any! I slid her undies down and off. With her tongue fucking my tongue and her hand in possession of my erection, I fingered her delectable twat to a massive explosion. Her public, curbside climax was impressive! Tina's crescendo was nearly as loud as the storm. WHENEVER she "came"... that beautiful woman put her entire being into it. She climaxed as though it would be her last... or had to last until the next one!! Before she stopped her orgasmic quivering (Yes ladies I am aware that it is difficult to "come" standing up and that knees do buckle and shake when you are "coming" vertically! But then so do mine.) Tina moaned, "Stick IT IN... hurry, put IT IN!!" With that, she stood on her tiptoes pulling my erection to her slit. She helped me fuck what was STILL a most feverish pussy, prior orgasm notwithstanding! Gawd she was HOT inside!! She wouldn't let me pull out after my "come" began running down her legs. "Keep it IN while you're still hard... let me feel it for a while," she said. Then with mock childlike petulance, she added, "ITS MINE, ALL MINE! I WANT IT! I'm never giving it back! SO THERE!!"
Oh, how she could tickle and endear herself to me at the damnedest and most wonderful times! With our pelvises joined like Siamese twins Tina pulled my shirt up and pressed her warm breasts against my bare chest. In turn, I slid my hands down and gripped her warm firm ass, and clung to her, keeping myself where we both wanted me to be. If there ever was a desire for my cock to be two inches longer,... this was IT! She refused to let my erection become wilted and flaccid while we clung to each other. The deliciously erotic woman was giving me the "urge to splurge" all over again. She was flexing her pussy muscles and jerking me off with her inner velvet glove! She nibbled my ear and stuck her tongue in it, and probed around like a small horny snake seeking a place to hibernate. My first batch of "come" had not all leaked out of her when I began more pussy stroking with my rejuvenated hard-on! Short deliberate strokes inside of her. I could feel the flexing and folding of her pretty pussy lips while we fucked. Better yet, in my mind's eye, I could see it happening.
Tina carefully stepped up onto a large, vandalized Manhattan phone book lying on the floor by her feet. NOW she could fuck me more comfortably without having to strain up onto her toes. Slowly I stroked her sweet insides with my erection while the lightning flashed and cracked outside. Her hips swiveled, meshing her pubic hair with mine. With the brief strobing of the lightning, I could get glimpses of myself penetrating her! I could see our genitals plugged in while she fucked my brains out. Her arousing bump and grind had the desired effect. I pulled her sensuous ass tighter and "came" a second time. Tina gave me a hickey out of SHEER PASSION. She did not have to "come" in order for her to be a thrilled and thrilling lover! She was the only really horny woman to have ever left a mark on my neck... then or since. High school neck bites had nothing to do with passion and everything to do with territorial marking. Remember those? Not so that night! She let me know as much.
She stuck her tongue in my ear again and then said, "You owe me one of these... if we ever get home again!" The storm did blow over, moving out across Brooklyn and the Island to the East. By two-thirty Tina was sprawled invitingly naked on her Yonkers living room floor and GETTING what she desired. SOIXANT NEUF... that translates to SIXTY-NINE for non-French speakers. She had my tongue and finger IN her nether regions until she "came" and she had my slightly taxed erection in her mouth doing the same for me.
At that age, yes, I "came" a third time in as many hours... and bless her heart, as always she didn't spit it out. The avian symbol of love is indeed the "SWALLOW"! She was a delight in all aspects of the word! We drifted from afterglow to sleep right there. My face still nestled against her adorable crotch and her with my cock still in hand. We had probably petted and suckled one another's sex organs for about an hour before achieving horny release. For me, it was just such a pleasure to take my time to get her very aroused and then OVER THE TOP so to speak!
Tongues wagged and heads shook disapprovingly when we arrived at work an hour late. Oh well, to bad for them. There had been no time for loving and pussy pleasing in the shower that morning! Too bad for us. No time either for me to drop her at the bus stop and pretend that we had come from different directions. We made up for it later on in the storage room again. We finger fucked and screwed in there. This time with Tina sprawled across some large cartons, tits, and pussy up, I was able to linger with my finger in order to show her just how much I REALLY appreciated my teacher! We were lucky that her orgasmic noises didn't give us away!
Tina did try to stifle her vocal enthusiasm... with minimal success! There is much more to tell about Tina in future essays. However, 'til then let me offer a suggestion and a plea to some of you ladies out there. I am sure that every one of you has experienced a BUM FUCK or three in your lives. Men rarely have that problem as any pussy that will have us provides an orgasm... often at your expense. That's just the way our bodies were designed. Yet, far too many of us are NOT properly educated as to HOW to PLEASE YOU! Even in these enlightened times, it is still assumed that if I am equipped with a Dick, I automatically know what to do with it. (And what to do with it FOR YOU!) We don't!!! Girls don't "come" with instruction booklets and too many of them are afraid to speak up and say, "Here's how I wanna be fucked, lemme SHOW you!" Most of us don't mean to be thoughtless... we just haven't the SEXperience to know that it takes two to tango until YOU "COME". (Preferably "come" first at that!)
It should be LAW that all young men of legal age are taught how to love and MAKE LOVE by an older caring woman as his surrogate! Until Tina took charge of my intimate education, I was the original inept, shy waste of female hormones! When she was done with me, I was better equipped to enter into naked liaisons with wonderful women just like you. She had shown me ways to find and provide others with the same pleasures she wanted from her own sexuality.
Tina was my older and wonderful sex ed. mentor. She was very special at a time when I needed an angel in my life. A very horny marvelous angel at that. Long before I had met her, Tina had been married to "Paul," produced a baby girl with him, and began her erotic adventures.
I suppose to be fair, Tina's erotic questing began before Paul or any other man 'came' on to the scene. Way before. Just like anyone else of her gender, Tina developed an unexplainable and unendurable "twitchy twat" during her formative years. (Her descriptives, not mine.)
It could drive her to distraction at times and often did so for many years after she first noticed and became very aware of her youthful arousal. The horny commotion between her legs and within her mind remained rampant (thankfully) all during our relationship. At thirty-eight years of age, she was just hitting her erotic peak. WOW, was she ever and so lovable.
When the 'pussy itch plague' first arrived for her in hormonal waves, and almost grown, Tina took some opportunities to sit on the edge of her bed, nude, legs spread wide and used a hand mirror to see what it was that was bothering her "down there." Peeking, exploring, and touching proved to be pleasurable and eventually informative. She had no idea as to what she was looking at or searching for in the area where she peed. Just the same, the exploratory touching advanced to delicate rubbing and probing.
Tina was experiencing her earliest masturbatory excursions. She found her "Kitty" to be as alluring as the rest of her new, nearly womanly figure. She told me that she must have gazed at and petted "Kitty" a dozen times or more before something happened. (Something that she had not expected and could not have anticipated.)
When it happened she needed to lie back on her pillow and work on her thorny, horny problem. Intuitively she knew that whatever was 'coming' she could best 'do it' stretched out and comfy. Sitting on the edge of the bed and playing with herself caused her to somehow lose the intense urge to splurge, she could just get so far with it sitting up. Lying on her back the sensations continued (CUNTinued) to build. The genital sensations from what she told me were, "Amazing and so intense." The more she rubbed herself intimately the more she needed to rub. She felt herself losing control of what was happening. There was a tension building within her body that she had not felt before. Tina, driven to keep stroking herself and the feeling became overwhelmingly stronger.
The hand holding the mirror began to tremble. Then 'came' the explosion "sex-plosion" as she described it. At first, it frightened her, and then she was swept up in it. Her beautiful body went rigid. Tina said that she heard herself in a disembodied sort of way "Whimpering at first" almost out of fear. She thought that maybe what she had instigated would take over and kill her it was that forceful and totally alien to her being.. Her heart was racing crazily, Tina thought that she might be having a "heart attack." Then 'came' the waves of intense pleasure. No more whimpering she said that she knew that she was moaning and liking it even though she was too far off in another universe to hear herself with any clarity. Tina was not going to die at least not today and not from this.
The young woman was going to live and live to repeat what she felt within her vagina another day and at times before her next periods, every day. She felt it through every inch and fiber of her body in fact. At the height of her very first orgasm, Tina said that she felt the fine hairs on her neck and arms standing on end with electrical tingles governing her very being. Tina had set herself on fire. The self-immolation of the horny kind.
When it was done, she had cramps in her toes and her lower tummy felt awash in sheer ecstasy. It almost hurt it felt that good. Even her erect nipples tingled. She had also noted via the mirror at one point, that some of her genital anatomies appeared to have changed to bright pink and was swollen. She had never observed that before when she had used the looking glass to take a lingering peek. But then she'd never had an orgasm before either. (She did not know that what she had just experienced even had a name other than "inCREDIBLE".)
Beautiful, wonderful Tina masturbated her way to adulthood that day. Somewhere along the way she began adding mental images of someone other than herself tinkering with her 'Kitty" and giving her what she craved while she masturbated. A young handsome man 'doing' it for her would be nice. She had yet to deal with her first erections and what 'came' of those. Every so often during particularly powerful self-inflicted orgasms Tina would "wet herself."
Tina's older sister was also a raven-haired beauty and in time Tina learned that big 'Sis was getting laid on dates. Eventually, the two of them began discussing sex and sexuality on a very intimate level. Those conversations came haltingly until her sister got married. Then Tina got an earful of everything from birth control to what positions worked best and what kinds of activity felt best. The two women snickered and giggled while providing Tina with a sex Ed course. Afterward and alone Tina would need to pet "Kitty" for a while.
She also learned that her brother-in-law had to be taught (rather graphically) how to please his wife. Tina's sister apparently had no qualms about showing him what was what and where between her well-furred pussy lips. The sister suggested that Tina indoctrinate her first real lay by showing him what she wanted from him before it became too late to get his attention. In time Tina used the same erotic, graphic technique with which to teach and arouse me.
There was a guy that Tina had in mind with whom she could lose her cherry. They had groped and felt each other up the time for heading for home plate was not far off, particularly armed with her sister's information.
That 'came' and went Tina's virginity was history. The boyfriend was an insipid dud and not teachable in spite of her inspirational displays of needy pussy and what to do with it for her and life moved on. Her first intercourse was neither good nor bad it just was.
From what her sister had told her and from hearing her sister making frequent erotic noises in the apartment downstairs Tina knew that there was more to a horny woman's sex life than just sticking it in. She kept dating and looking and feeling up erections. She was willing to teach if the guys would only learn how to tease and please her as well as she did for them. The woman was hardly a sex maven yet she knew what she wanted, even with limited hands-on and cocks-in experience.
Tina's artistic abilities had flourished since childhood earning her a partial scholarship to New York City's best art school. To cover the rest of her tuition Tina posed nude for the "Life drawing" classes. She was not a libertine not even a slut she just had a great figure like her sister's and was not ashamed of it. Her forte in art was the human figure. If others could pose nude for her she could do it for them. There was nothing 'dirty' about it, bodies are beautiful. Amen, end of the sermon. Though certainly not the end of her quest.
There was a café near the school and there Tina met the proverbial "Starving actor" waiting tables. Paul was acting part-time when there were parts to be had off-Broadway. He was a muscular, blonde hunk with a winning personality to match Tina's. It wasn't long before she was smitten with his charm and good looks. The man was buff without being a muscle-bound boor. It was obvious that he liked her and looked forward to Tina stopping in to eat (and daydream about him eating her. Among other things that she could concur up about what she could do with him while naked and horny.) The girl had never actually entertained a muff diver with her prior men yet had an innate desire to try it. Her sister loved it so would she someday. Her waiter was as good a candidate as any. If only
She thought up a novel way to get him on a date of sorts and get him naked at the same time right upfront. Tina brought her "Nude portfolio" to the café and had him look it over on his break. He was suitably impressed at her dozen or so best male and female figure sketches. Stopping to linger at one female nude Paul said, "I know her she goes to your school eats here once in a while; wow, so that's what she looks like naked, I'm impressed."
Tina did not say a word to let on that she was hurt by his attention to the buxom nude girl in the picture. Tina's self-portrait sans clothing was on the next page. She waited until he was done gawking and let him flip the sheet. He stopped rock still looking at the very nude and sultry girl on that page and sitting right there with him. The picture in question was not a tame figure study it purposefully reeked of sheer sexuality. She had not shown that rendering of herself to her teachers or classmates. Tina noted that Paul's hands were beginning to tremble. She asked after what seemed an interminable length of time, "Like her? She likes you. She'd also like for you to pose for her got the nerve?" Tina flashed a hundred-watt smile.
Paul's face went slightly scarlet and replied, "Yeh, I like her oh my that IS you isn't it? What did you say, She wants me to do WHAT?" He was totally distracted by the sultry, suggestively posed image of the girl there with him, warm and alive sitting at the table thigh to thigh.
Tina said, "I can't pay you in real money but I would love to have you pose nude for me sometime. You can help me get extra credit in class." Outside projects were encouraged and Paul had possibilities. Tina had lowered her eyes out of fear of rejection waiting for him to make up his mind, her smile had faded. Looking down she noted that Paul had developed an intense erection sitting next to her and seeing her dazzling nude, sultry figure on paper and looking down the front of her blouse too. He was taller than Tina and she let him have a good view. Nice full, creamy tits-up periscope.
It was hard (no pun intended) for her to accurately judge through his trousers but Paul seemed very well endowed. He appeared much more so than any other male of the species that she had ever sketched or went to bed with. (She had tried on about a half dozen erections by then with varying degrees of success and suck-sess.) Tina was not opposed to giving oral sex and by the time she got to me she was damned good at it.
With luck, she'd get it all from him. She wondered what that "thing" would feel like. Would it be delightful or would it hurt? She'd take a chance if she could arrange it. He was too nice not to at least try.
With a stiff cock between his legs she knew that he'd not say "NO" he might chicken out later but for now, she had visions of seeing, sketching, and playing with his hard, round butt among his other assets. She was wondering just how large that thing of his really was when Paul said, "Yes." They worked out a tentative time and date for him to meet at her apartment. Her cozy living room on the second floor faced north and served as her art studio away from school. It still did when I knew her and also posed nude and unavoidably rest for her. Tina left Paul, took the subway north and home and masturbated herself silly when she got there. Images of sexy nude and very hard, very large Paul drifting behind her eyelids until and while she 'came'. She told me that orgasm was particularly intense and she squirted again. Tina still had no idea what it was or what happened when she did that.
Tina had a photographic memory and a vivid artistic imagination. When Paul arrived she had several nude sketches of him already done. The sketches that she did not show him were those of him fucking her in a few deliciously lewd and graphic poses. Those were for her private masturbatory delights while stroking and teasing her privates. To be an artist or a photographer one must be a voyeur Tina was a voyeur, a sexual voyeur at that. She liked to look at rendered images, custom-tailored to her own erotic sensibilities while getting her hand made jollies.
Eventually, that would turn to get hers from a good friend while she looked on and participated. To help facilitate that Tina had a large mirror over her dresser and a roll about, full-length mirror in her living room. She used those with me to considerable arousing, erotic advantage often enough. Ditto with Paul before me.
Paul was impressed with what she had created from memory and her assumptions of what she had not yet seen of him without clothing. When the man did get undressed for her she was impressed with what she had not gotten quite right. His flaccid penis was double the length of what she had doodled on paper. Her sketches were more than mere doodles what she had wrought on paper was of near photographic reality. I know, I saw all of them. Tina's erotic artwork on display always resulted in wild sex for us when she was in a mood to show them off as another form of foreplay.
Standing nude and looking at her most recent art efforts provided Paul with an erection. (It did the same for me when I saw her sketches of Paul, her screwing Paul and myriads of other nude women that she had sketched and painted. Including a near life-size, very erotic painting of herself on her bedroom wall.) He knew what she must have been thinking while she dredged up images and transferred those to paper. She had him with erections in some of her renderings. Tina teased him about his growing boner and that made it harder yet. She was also teasing him with her partially open blouse and exquisite legs showing from beneath her smock. His maleness kept growing under her influence. So did mine.
That was fine with her she'd sketch him and it as it 'came.' She was not opposed to recording the human figure in every real situation. His cock was real and be'coming' secretly thrilling for her to contemplate. As huge as it was growing in front of her eyes she also found it to be handsome and beautifully shaped with delicate erotic colors. If only Michelangelo had sculpted his "David" with an erection half as large between that and his adorable buns, the statue would have prompted many female wet dreams, night sweats, and the "vapors" over the centuries.
Paul had hardened to a point where it reached just above his belly button. Tina had him recline on her couch and proceeded to help him achieve the pose that she wanted. Tina touched Paul's body and got him situated placing an arm here and a leg there just so and dearly wishing that she could place his massive erection you know where. She felt illicit tingles from head to toes when she made contact with his beautiful bare skin.
She didn't touch his erection. Though Tina did take a baby brush and combed his blonde pubic hair to a semblance of neatness. His cock twitched invitingly when she did that. Good thing that he could not see up her skirt there was nothing on under it and, "God but I was so wet it was running down my legs." She told me about it while we gave each other mutual handjobs and used the pillow talk as foreplay. Tina was just as wet, her vagina dripping with my finger in her ooh, score a horny point or two for yours truly.
Dutifully and beautifully Tina sketched Paul's body and the attending erection in a half dozen variations of the same pose. This time she had his penis size correct. Then she had him roll over and sketched him with his attractive tight buns on display. The woman did love male tail to ogle and play with. She certainly did a yeowoman's job with mine when the time 'came' for that. Tina taught me that my ass was every bit the sex organ that my erection was. Oh my, straight men don't do that, or do they?
In time Tina's professional decorum began to give way. Paul's ass was too tempting not to find a reason to leave the easel and touch it. No, that's incorrect, according to her she simply went over to the couch, perched on the edge and began feeling up his sexy fanny. In doing so she told him, "I need a break " By then they both knew that they needed more than a break.
With him lying sunny side down she assumed that he still had the erection but wasn't sure. He was responsive to her fondling. She asked, "You still hard?" and pushed her fingers down his ass cleft until she felt his balls. Soft, silky, and "Oh so sexy balls". Paul shivered from end to end, moving his legs apart to allow her to continue her exploration.
"I'm hard and you're making it worse. Want me to roll over or something?" She could tell from his expression and body language that he wanted to fuck her. The feeling was mutual though he did not yet know to what extent.
She stood and walked around to his face and coyly lifted her skirt, it was now or never Tina said, "Yeh, or something." Paul looked admiringly at her exposed black beauty beaver. She did have the sexiest blue-black, glossy pussy fur of anyone I had ever known. In a husky sex laden voice, Paul asked, "Will this something do?" He rolled over and allowed her to see the erection that her soft sensuous touching and probing had wrought. Her bare "Kitty" in his face had a lot to do with promoting it too. If only that man or any man could feel what she was feeling deep in her loins just then. The description of her inner aroused sensations according to Tina would be "Pure pornography, nothing artistic about it I wanted to fuck him". She had never felt that kind or degree of lust with anyone else she'd ever attempted to seduce.
Paul asked her to take her skirt off she did that in one swift movement. Tina then straddled his belly and leaned down for him to undo her blouse and free up the magnificent breasts that he had heretofore only seen on paper and while glancing down her front at their café rendezvous. While he nervously undid buttons Tina writhed, slowly rubbing her pussy up and down his belly leaving trails of her wetness behind, teasing her clit against his skin. She could feel his enormous hard-on tapping suggestively at her own ass cleavage. Damn that man was HUNG. She liked what she felt though wasn't sure IF she could take it without pain. As attractive and alluring for her as his erect penis was she found it to be rather intimidating. Tina had been laid before of course but not by anything like what she was entertaining at the moment.
When Paul had her chest fully exposed and had pulled her top and smock off he gently slipped a tit into his mouth and began suckling expertly. (While relating some of this to me Tina demonstrated she did have arousing tits to slurp and nibble, placing one in my mouth while she continued her dialogue.) She believed in graphic, illustrated storytelling that was the artist in her 'coming' out. And me going in her shortly thereafter.
Paul couldn't help the way he was hung Tina knew that. She also knew that she needed an orgasm from this wonderful man and from what was tapping expectantly on her ass, it needed one as well. Tina told Paul that she was afraid of what his erection might do to her he understood and let her take the lead.
She lifted her hips away from his and allowed his massive organ to slide between their bodies resting on his belly. Tina lowered herself on top of his cock and began rubbing her pelvis against his. She angled her pussy until her clit made contact with the huge love snake between them. She could 'get off' this way, licking and biting his nipples while she danced her pussy over his cock. His nipples were invitingly hard and aroused. If he didn't 'come' when she did then she'd let him slip it to her and take her chances. At least on top of him, she could control some of his penetrations if she had to.
Tina slithered until she did 'come' racked with delicious vaginal spasms she began kissing Paul's mouth passionately. He gripped her ass, digging his fingers in frantically, and pulled her even tighter to his erection and helped her have a "Good One." Somewhere along the line while she was climaxing Tina realized that Paul was in her. Not far in but he had slid through her slippery labia. You best believe he was welcome' in there and "Enter if you please" was pleasing her. The man had enough courtesy and self-control to stop when he reached the depths of her inner sanctum. There was still a lot of him outside in the cold.
Tina's rippling orgasmic spasms helped him to 'come' in her as they often did for me sometime later. Paul fucked gently, rhythmically, and in cadence with her waning vaginal contractions. She had finally gotten out of a man what she wanted. She also felt it dripping profusely out of her when they unplugged and snuggled on the couch. She glanced between her legs at the reflection of her pussy in the roll about the mirror. In her estimation, Paul had filled her horny tank with about a gallon of jet fuel. She was riding one hell of a happily fucked high. This was the best ever. It was making her hot to fuck again just from seeing the volume of cream leaking from her "Kitty". Paul obviously had not been laid in a while either.
She didn't care if she had another BIG "O" or not she just wanted him in her. Just then Tina "wet her self again." A thin stream sprayed scant seconds after her orgasm. Embarrassed, Tina apologized. Paul thought that it was sexy no apology needed. Besides, he had an idea as to what had happened. A few more such episodes squirting from her during sex and he was sure of it. Paul told Tina what she was doing he'd seen it once before with another woman. Tina experienced occasional "F.E.", female ejaculation.
Tina straddled him and surprised Paul by grabbing his erection, aiming it UP and sat down on it. She told me that she sat, easing down until she could only see his balls in the mirror. The deep penetration did not hurt all that much nothing like what she expected. She carefully and sensuously took it in and increased her UP and downtempo until she was bouncing on his cock. Tina savored the penetration almost possessively.
Paul was nearly ten years older than Tina and became her lover, best friend, and a good teacher. She sketched and painted him nude every which way imaginable. Her favorites, and not for public consumption, were those of him masturbating that enormous erection. (The erection that she loved to make hard and then fuck it until she nearly blacked out.) Paul could make Tina come' just by the thick diameter of his erection sliding over her clit.
They married, and Tina went off the "pill." Everyone told them that they made a strikingly good-looking couple all of Tina's girlfriends had hot twats for her hubby. Of course, none of her friends would ever make a move on him. Single girls playing with themselves while thinking about what fucking his gorgeous body would be like sure. Hit on him? Not likely. A few of those women had seen Tina's nude renderings of Paul, Tina having sex with Paul among other renditions and had ample reason to go home and tickle their own Kitties as a result while images of the sexy very well endowed man danced behind their eyelids.
Tina got pregnant and had a little girl. Money was tight but they managed. Paul took every meaningless stage roll that he could get to help make ends meet. He worked extra hours at the café and brought home reasonable tips.
When he was home and not working the pair fucked and loved like maniacal rabbits. Three years of erotic fulfillment sped by. What Tina did not know was that one of her erstwhile girlfriends had talked Paul into performing in a couple of porn movies with the friend. The girl knew that he was strapped for cash and used it for her unholy agenda. It was an impromptu situation and promised good money for him to take home to Tina. Desperate for cash and the illicit promise of screwing the attractive girl he took it. What the hell he was good and very durable in bed and the size of his apparatus guaranteed him the XXX movie parts.
The friend wouldn't tell Tina no big deal. She'd never find out. (Tina's alleged girlfriend had found the chink in Paul's armor. No more masturbatory daydreams about him she'd fuck him for real.)
Unfortunately after banging the girlfriend on film a few times she gave him a massive dose of the clap. Paul wasn't the only visitor in her pussy during the filming and she caught the disease from one of them and passed it on. He didn't know that he had it and on arriving home after the last movie shoot found his beautiful wife naked and ravenously horny. "He fucked the shit out of me" according to Tina. "God what a wildly scrumptious lay that was" she admitted. They screwed ferociously three or four more times before he realized what he had a couple of days later. (And what he had most likely done to his wife.)
She contracted the STD and that was the beginning of the end.
And here's the rub if Paul had openly discussed the available porn film roles and the significant income they could get FIRST, and if it had not been one of her close friends that had instigated it Tina was liberal enough to probably have allowed him to fuck a strange woman for the money. Acting was acting and she could have persuaded herself to go along with it. What hurt her the most after he gave her a pussy disease was the treachery of her now a former friend and her husband's duplicity.
They split up permanently soon after having used much of his extra XXX earnings to pay for their doctor bills and large quantities of penicillin. (Tina swore off men and anything but self-sex for almost a year after that.) She was still masturbating alone when we met. But then so was I. Our time was 'coming.'
Tina told me how during their marriage that her husband had taught her some decidedly exciting bedroom gymnastics. She also learned just how much she truly loved and craved S-E-X.
He showed her things that she did not know she could do and 'come' to desire passionately once she had learned. Including but not limited to her desire for giving and getting anal sex with equal opportunity. He was good. I must admit a debt of slight gratitude to Paul first for having taught Tina the finer aspects of uninhibited physical loving for her to use for teaching me. The emotional loving came quite naturally for her fortunately his affair did not destroy that for her and subsequently for me.
Most importantly was the fact that Tina decided that I, a young buck, not quite housebroken, definitely not bed broken either and wet behind the ears was at least temporarily, her cup of tea. She could use me and my youthful staying power to regain her own self-confidence and have fun doing it.
For at least eighteen months of intensive training and loving she did just that. I graduated cum laude or more properly cum loudly and often from her school of erotic arts and then some.