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How To Write Erotica

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert
How To Write Erotica
With the Fifty Shades book series success, many wish to get involved in writing erotica. We will provide you with some helpful resources to get you started tapping into the sensual creativity you have just waiting to come out and provide excitement and pleasure to your readers. Feel free to see our free erotic stories for inspiration.
The first thing that you will need to do is read. Get a feel for what other authors are doing, the words they use, and how the most scintillating stories unfold. You will also need to get someone to edit your work no matter how good your grammar and spelling as we all make mistakes and typos from time to time regardless of skill.
One of the most annoying things to stumble upon when you are deeply engrossed in a juicy story is a grammatical error. It takes you out of the story and back into reality, which is the opposite of your desired effect. You will also want to think about the language that is most appealing to your target market. For example, if you were writing something for women, you would avoid terms that might seem derogatory like hooters or tatas and use words like breasts or supple mounds of flesh.
Don't underestimate the importance of determining your target audience as all books, even those that are self-published, have to be marketed. Having an exact target audience will be vital in selling your written work. Also, think about whether it is something that only adult stores will carry, or will it be tame enough for mainstream sales? You can look at some of the top-selling erotic books to get an idea of what is selling well in the mainstream world and then determine if you may want to do something along those lines or wish to have a particular niche.
You may also want to start with a short story to get a feel for how you work and what it takes to craft a well-told tale. We have a wonderfully rich library of free erotic stories submitted by our customers, and we would love to consider yours.
Finally, you will want to consider if you wish to attempt to climb the long, arduous mountain of getting published by a major publisher or if you will self publish. Keep in mind that today's self-publishing is leading to some tremendous financial rewards and is getting writers noticed by the big publishers that would not have given the time of day before. Resources you can explore for self-publishing:
Basic Writing Information
- Getting Your ISBN
- Copyright Resource: The Library Of Congress
- Trademark Resource: USPTO
Self Publishing Resources
Adult Writers Resources
- Erotica Readers & Writers Associations
- Submit Your Erotic Story
- Read Free Erotic Stories On Our Site & More
Erotica for Women: Going Beyond Fifty Shades
Erotica has always been a popular choice for women. In the beginning, it was marketed as romance novels. Still, as women's tastes have become increasingly open to more sexually explicit material, it is not surprising to see the success of such books like Fifty Shades.
However, other books have been quite popular with women that are worth reading. Here are some of the erotic books that make a long list of sexy reads for women.
- Locked by Maya Cross
- Rock With Me by Kristen Proby
- Eyes Wide Open by Raine Miller
- Driven by K. Bromberg
- Claim Me by J. Kenner
- Release Me by J. Kenner
- Skin Deep by J.M. Stone
- Close Up and Personal by JS Taylor
- Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
- The Berkeley Method by JS Taylor
- On Her Master's Secret Service by Lexi Blake
- The Classic Erotic Trilogy of Sleeping Beauty by A. N. Roquelaure (a.k.a. Anne Rice)
- The Leather Daddy and the Femme by Carol A. Queen
- Tasting Her: Oral Sex Stories by Rachel Kramer Bussel
- The Story of O by Pauline Reage
- Tangled by Emma Chase
- Cautious by E.L. Montes
- Lockout by Maya Cross
- Safe Word by Teresa Mummert
- The Director's Cut by JS Taylor
- Knight and Stay by Kitty French
- Play with Me by Lexi Blake