Trusted for 25+ Years
Vibrator Power Reviews

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert
How We Determine Power Ratings
We have created a quick reference guide on each product page to help you determine how powerful a vibrator is before you buy it. It is based on a rating system using subjective customer reviews and our staff's insights into each product. Products with multiple speeds and settings are rated using their highest vibration level. How powerful a vibrator is rated depends on a few factors. Let's take a moment to review those below.
Sensitivity Levels
Our bodies are unique to us, and just like some people have higher or lower pain thresholds, people also have different levels of sensitivity to stimulation. This can mean that a vibrator can feel exceptionally strong to one person and underwhelming to someone else. When reading reviews on vibrators, make sure to factor in the power rating along with comments made about that product by other customers. Doing so may allow you to determine if those consumers consider themselves more or less sensitive to vibrators. When submitting a vibrator review, take into consideration your sensitivity levels to stimulation and feel free to share that for reference.
Experience With Vibrators
If a person has only tried one or two vibrators, they will have a poor reference as to what levels of power are available in vibrators. When we receive feedback from customers, it is helpful for us to understand the types of vibrators they have tried to determine their frame of reference. Sharing in reviews what types of vibrators you have used before can be helpful for other customers to know if you have a little or a lot of experience with vibrators.
Comparable Vibrators
When determining a power rating, it is essential to factor in the type of vibrator and its motor. For example, it would be unfair to compare a small bullet vibrator to a large wand vibrator, as there is no way the small bullet vibrator will ever have a motor as powerful as a wand. Thus, power levels are based on the type of model vibrator and the comparable products in its class.
Deep & Rumbly Vs. Surface & Smooth
In addition to power, it is important to understand the types of vibration that vibrators offer. There are two basic types, those that are deep and rumbly and those that provide surface and smooth stimulation. These are very different feeling sensations, and both can be powerful. In our vibrator power ratings, we include the type of vibration that the vibrator features.
Intensity Levels
Our power ratings rank from 1-5, with a rating of five being the most powerful. To learn more about how we determine our vibrator noise levels, please see our helpful Vibrator Noise Reviews Guide.
Please feel free to explore our How To Choose A Vibrator Guide for assistance in choosing a vibrator or contact us as we are happy to assist you.