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Sexy Stranger At Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart Sex Story Submitted By Anonymous Guest Author
Michelle and Brad had been married for eight years. She was thirty-five years old while he was forty, and they were still very youthful and attractive. Tonight they were going to a club to do some drinking and dancing. Tonight would be special as she would wear a new pheromone laced perfume, and she was excited to see how it would work.
Michelle had to run an errand prior to going out at Wal-Mart, and she was already dressed to kill in her sexiest outfit. Thus she was feeling good about herself, and her confidence showed as she walked around pushing the cart and looking phenomenal.
She reached up to get a can of pears while leaning forward on her tippy toes to reach them. Suddenly, she felt a strong, firm body beside her that had slowly come up from behind her. This unknown masculine presence reached over her brushing up against her and grabbed the pears for her.
Michelle turned startled, but as she turned to see who it was, that was now handing her the can of pears she found herself flush with excitement as she came face to face with a very attractive, thirty-something-year-old guy with an athletic build and dark brown eyes who was now smiling at her. He smelled wonderful, and the twinkle in his eye made it difficult to break her gaze with him. As he handed her the can of pears, they touched again, and she felt an electrical jolt of arousal go through her that made her feel dizzy.
Before she could say thank you, she watched as he walked away with a very sexy and confident walk. His shoulders back, arms were swinging from his muscular shoulders, and his pleasurable pheromone laden scent still in the air, which continued to make her feel the pleasurable dizziness as he disappeared around the corner.
Michelle looked for him as she checked out, but he was gone. Upon returning from her errand, Michelle didn't tell her husband Brad about this occurrence at Wal-Mart, but it seemed to add a spring to her step, and she felt very turned on and sexy tonight. She looked forward to enjoying the evening with her very sexy husband.
While dining at the Melting Pot for dinner, it seemed her extra confidence and aura appeared to be affecting men around her more than usual. Even before she and Brad left the house, he came behind her grabbing her waist and placing his rigid cock behind her while kissing her on the neck as he told her how sexy she looked. Now at the Melting Pot, the twenty-something waiter was a bit obvious in the way he kept peering down her blouse, making sure that he leaned over her very closely to put down or take a dish and always giving her a shy smile as he did.
After dinner Michelle and Brad went to enter the club and the bouncer stopped her as she walked by saying "Miss, I'm going to have to check your ID," and as he handed it back to her his surprise was evident that she was well above the legal drinking age. Michelle noticed the guys checking her out as she walked through the club and sensed Brad knew it too as he held her close by wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her hand. They were dancing the night away and having a wonderful time doing it.
Around midnight after a couple of drinks together and some serious necking like teenagers, they again went up to dance and went into a corner of the dance floor to find some space on the now very crowded floor when a familiar scent that had made her feel dizzy earlier in the day caught her attention. She turned slightly to see where the man was who had it, and she spotted the same guy she had encountered in Wal-Mart dancing with a very attractive blonde next to her and her husband.
As a new song started, Michelle could tell the attractive guy earlier was now even closer to her and had turned his body so that his behind was lightly touching her at times against hers. Michelle couldn't help herself as she was taken aback by the now very sexual feelings and excitement flowing through her while dancing and necking with her husband.
As the dance floor began to get more and more crowded, the sexy stranger behind her was now grinding into her behind. Her husband pressed his firm cock against her leg, and she felt his fingers sliding up her thigh and then pulling aside her wet panties soaked with cum from her arousal she felt a deep pleasure as his fingers entered her body.
Michelle couldn't believe it, but in this sexually intense atmosphere, she felt herself orgasm to the point of shuddering as she clawed at her husband and stuck her tongue deep into his mouth, rubbing her hand against his cock. It was a night she will never forget as the ride home and early morning hours to follow continued with the same sexual intensity.
Brad and Michelle drifted into a restful slumber around 5:00 a.m. the next morning and awoke to find themselves on fire all over again.