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What Is Premature Ejaculation?

Dr. Lisa Lawless

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Premature Ejaculation SolutionsWhat Is Considered Premature?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is experienced when a man ejaculates too soon with minimal stimulation to his penis. It is also known as a premature, early ejaculation, rapid, and rapid ejaculation. Typically premature ejaculation is considered within a minute of sexual contact or stimulation. Still, there is not an exact amount of time, and many consider anything under a few minutes to be rapid. With average ejaculation taking 4-8 minutes, anything under can be considered premature.

Contributing Factors

Men who experience premature ejaculation indicate that they cannot control it. Research has shown that in cases where men who experience chronic premature ejaculation have faster neurological responses in their pelvic muscles, which may be a contributing factor. Other theories include increased penile sensitivity, intensified nerve conduction, and sensitive serotonin receptors.

Ejaculation is started by the emission phase, which releases semen into the back of the urethra (where urine comes out). Once positioned and ready to go, it goes into the expulsion phase when the urethra begins to contract and release the semen. When an individual experiences premature ejaculation on an inconsistent basis, they are easily treated through training such as behavior modification and education regarding control.

However, if the premature ejaculation is chronic and shorter than 1.5 minutes every time, men can discuss medication options and therapy with their physician. As premature ejaculation may be caused by prostatitis or a medication side effect, your doctor must review this. Drugs that work well in treating chronic premature ejaculation increase serotonin and signal the brain to slow ejaculation. These are known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Typically, these drugs can delay ejaculation up to 20 times longer than previously experienced.

Treating Premature Ejaculation

Most men first attempt to treat premature ejaculation by simply mentally distracting themselves during sexual activity. In addition, some men find that thrusting more slowly or pausing during sexual activity helps maintain their erection. In addition, some men have found it beneficial to ejaculate before they have sex allowing for some time to build to an erection again. The second time seems to help them last longer.

The most common technique is the stop and start technique developed by Masters and Johnson and is also known as the squeeze technique. When men feel they are about to ejaculate, they can squeeze the head of the penis between their fingers, which may help them last longer. In addition to this technique, men can use deep breathing exercises (commonly used in tantra) and strengthen their PC (pubococcygeus) muscles.

For premature ejaculation solutions, please see our Exercises For Delayed Ejaculation Guide.

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