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Color Therapy & Sex

Dr. Lisa Lawless

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Sunflower with Heart, Color Therapy & Sex

Improving Sex Using Color Therapy

Chromotherapy uses color and light to bring one health and harmony by taking it into the body through your vision, and here we will discuss how to integrate that into sexuality for more mindful sex. Color therapy is not a new approach to health as the Egyptians used color therapy. They built solarium rooms with various colored glass, allowing the sun to shine through the glass onto the patient to achieve specific therapeutic benefits. Others used different colored silk clothes to filter varying shades of light onto their bodies. There is also evidence of others using colored waters and colored gels to achieve the same results.

Science has shown us that we depend on full-spectrum light to live, that colors hold a unique frequency for every hue, and they have been proven to impact our physical health. For example, a study showed that epileptic seizures were reduced in patients who wore tinted rose and indigo lenses. Other studies have shown that white light used during the day helps with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sleep disturbances, and Alzheimer's disease. Another study showed that blue light positively affected women who had rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, phototherapy has shown that using specific types of a colored light help to treat neonatal jaundice and erectile dysfunction (ED). Examples of such light are dichroic lamps, full-spectrum light, and polychromatic polarized light. Even the sun emits every one of the color wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, and we know how important sunlight is to our health.

Today, we know that everything that holds an energetic frequency and color, in particular, affects us on many levels through our mind, body, and emotions. Every living thing depends on full-spectrum light to be able to exist, and recent scientific evidence suggests that light is emitted by every cell in our bodies. We live in a sea of energy where color is working within us. Research and observation have shown us that specific colors balance our physical and emotional systems and trigger specific psychological effects.

Using color to affect moods and associations has long been studied and proven. Think about the color green; many marketers know it symbolizes health, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Look at many spa websites and food packaging, and you will begin to notice that green is used to convey that message. The essence of green that healthy plants convey to us creates psychological and emotional reactions in us without us even being conscious of it.

Why Use Colors for Enhanced Sex?

Your mental and emotional states are often neglected when it comes to sex, yet the impact of how they affect performance and perception of your sexual experiences is enormous. With only two-thirds of men responding to Viagra, there is a clear indication that we can't keep focusing only on the physical aspects of our sexuality while neglecting that we are a whole person with mental, emotional, and even spiritual needs. To have the best sex life you can, you must open your mind to try things that empower, enlighten and return you to the magic of youthful energy, which will always be within you regardless of your chronological age.

Most people miss what is going on for them at the moment; we often find ourselves in this fast-paced society eating without even really tasting our food. We tend to be on automatic pilot, missing many beautiful parts of life, including our sexuality. We all benefit when we take those extra moments to become more mindful of what we are doing and enjoy its essence. Things such as appreciating the colors of sex are just one way to bring more pleasure to our senses.

Becoming more mindful of each sensation, our breathing, and our environment during sexual activity, whether alone or with a partner, allows us to become more highly aroused and more deeply impacted by the sexual experience. Integrating color into this process can be a fun way to produce the desired effect.

Try a Color Test Drive

Chromotherapy is considered breathing in color, meaning that you inhale while visualizing a color. Other techniques are to surround yourself with that color using lighting, clothing, and decor. Take a moment and try a little test drive.

Close your eyes and choose a color you wish to focus on. Clear your mind of anything else. Imagine only that color and how it makes you feel. Imagine yourself swimming in a beautiful pool of water filled with that color as it glows around you. Imagine the sky around you in this color as sunlight fills it with effervescent light. Now take a full, deep breath; breathing it in, breathing in its essence, filling your lungs. The color flows through your veins as you take it into your lungs with each deep breath. You bathe in it, breathe it, and it flows through you.

Then open your eyes and tune into your mind, body, and emotional state. How did that feel? Was it satisfying to you? Did you feel the essence of that color?

Learning to Go Deeper in Color

If you didn't feel that you gained much from the little experiment above, you might want to spend a little more time in a relaxing atmosphere experimenting with it, as sometimes people have a difficult time shutting off the mind-chatter of their daily task list and have a challenging time letting go and authentically allowing themselves to take in the energy of color at first.

If you did feel the benefits, try other colors and see what each feels like as you do it. The possibilities are endless. Using color for sexual trauma that has occurred can be a therapeutic way to work through upsetting memories while using the color to calm and heal. Using color can also assist in situations like erectile dysfunction (ED), female sexual dysfunction, and other areas of sexual challenges. Using it to tap into your inner power and primal sexuality can provide mental and emotional states that support one's prowess.

  • Red: Energy, Passion, Love, Power

  • Orange: Joy, Creativity, Warmth, Social

  • Yellow: Mental Clarity, Energy, Cleansing

  • Green: Hope, Health, Fertility

  • Turquoise: Improving Immunity, Release

  • Blue: Calming, Honesty, Freedom

  • Indigo: Purification, Altered States Of Consciousness

  • Violet: Higher Consciousness, Purification, Spirituality

  • Magenta: Promotes libido in those with subnormal sex potency.

Using Chromotherapy During Sex

The next time you are beginning a sexual experience, try using color therapy with candles of that color, lingerie, lighting, and other items to bring specific colors into your environment. Then begin to experience the pleasure while breathing in the color you desire, taking deep breaths as you fill your body with it. Before you know it, you will have a whole new experience with sexuality through the beauty and rejuvenation that colors bring us.

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