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Diabetes, Sex & Sex Toys

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Diabetes & Sexual Health
Diabetes is a common condition that can lead to various health issues, and it can dramatically impact your sexual functioning. Diabetes affects the endocrine system and causes too much glucose in the blood. Over time, this can damage blood vessels throughout the body, affecting sexual functioning.
Diabetic neuropathy is caused by damage to the nervous system. Over time, it can make it difficult to achieve and maintain erections, cause vaginal dryness, decreased genital sensation, cause pain during sex, and/or cause difficulty reaching orgasm. It can also make it difficult to feel one's genitals through numbness, pain, or lack of feeling.
Diabetes can also make yeast and urinary tract infections more likely as high glucose levels assist in the growth of bacteria in the vagina and urethra. High blood glucose can sap your energy, causing fatigue and a lowered interest in sex. Maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels is essential for those with diabetes, and even those without it, as imbalanced blood sugar can affect anyone.
In addition to using good judgment about monitoring blood sugar, lubricants and vibrators may aid in increasing blood flow and ease of penetration. Penis pumps, penis rings, and strap-ons may help in cases of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). For additional information, please see our helpful guide: Sex Toys For Erectile Dysfunction.
Vaginal Dryness & Irritation
Diabetes can cause vaginal dryness, infections, and inflammation, making sex uncomfortable or painful. Nerve damage from diabetes can cause incontinence and frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs). For helpful information regarding how to address some of these issues, please see our helpful guides:
- Painful Vaginal Sex
- Vaginal Dryness Remedies
- The Ultimate Personal Lubricant Guide
- Natural Remedies for UTIs
Diabetes & Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is very common in men with diabetes. The reasons are complex but include changes in both blood vessels and the nerves of the penis. For information about ED, please see Erectile Dysfunction Guide.
Retrograde Ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation is a common issue among those with type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, or after having surgery involving your prostate or bladder. This is when semen travels into the bladder instead of the penis during ejaculation. In diabetics, it is caused by sphincter muscles not working correctly because of damage caused by high glucose levels.
Symptoms of retrograde ejaculation are lack of ejaculation during orgasm (dry orgasms), cloudy urine after orgasm, and infertility. Retrograde ejaculation doesn't require treatment, nor should it interfere with your sexual performance or pleasure. To learn more about it, please see our Dry Orgasms Guide.
Relationship Concerns
It is quite common as sexual function declines for concerns surrounding sexual intimacy to arise. A health condition often makes it more challenging to stay connected, and it is not uncommon for couples to avoid talking about sexual intimacy. Becoming a patient or caregiver can change the dynamic of a relationship. It is essential to be proactive in creating open, honest, and loving communication to create new approaches to building intimacy. This can include exploring how using sexual products such as lubricants and sex toys may be able to help you connect in the bedroom in new and exciting ways. Below are a few helpful guides to help you increase intimacy during what can be a challenging health issue.
- Sex & Communication For Partners
- Communication: Sex & Disabilities
- Improving Relationships
- Senior Sex Tips
- Sex Therapy & Counseling
Because diabetes can cause incontinence, this may be of concern during sexual activity. We created some very comfortable waterproof throws ideal for putting down on bedding to protect it from bodily fluids, lubricants, and oils during sexual activity. Explore the different colors and sizes available: Waterproof Throws.
Sexual Timing
Energy levels can fluctuate during the day, so if you are experiencing low energy levels at certain times of the day, you may want to consider changing the time you attempt to have sexual intimacy with a partner or when you masturbate. Trying different times of the day should help you find the best time to nurture yourself sexually.
Sexual Medications
Discuss medications with your physician to determine if some of your diabetic-related issues may be helped by using them. Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may help increase libido and vaginal dryness. In addition, sexual dysfunction drugs such as the erectile dysfunction drugs (PDE5 Inhibitors ) improve erections in the penis or flibanserin (Addyi) may improve vulvar, and vaginal responsiveness. Please see our helpful guide on How To Talk About Sex With Your Doctor.
Sex Toys & Diabetes
Choosing the right sex toy for you or a partner when you have diabetes can present unique challenges. Here are some helpful guides that may help you determine the best options for you:
- Body Safe Sex Toy Guide
- Sex Toys For Health Issues
- Sex Toys For Disabilities
- The Benefits Of Sex Toys
- Couples Sex Toys For Intercourse
- The Best Sex Toys For Couples
- How To Use Couples Sex Toys
Nutritional Guide For Diabetes
One of the most important things you can do for diabetes is eat well. Type 2 diabetes may even be reversible with a healthy diet. A study showed that when eating a plant-based diet for an average of 16 days, insulin requirements of people with diabetes were cut by 60 percent. Half of them could come off of insulin altogether just by eating healthy. To better understand what constitutes a nutritious diet, please see our, Nutrition Guide for Good Sex & Health.
In Closing
No matter what treatment you ultimately choose, you will need to develop a relationship with a doctor who has experience in offering all forms of diabetes treatments. Urologists or OB-GYNs have particular expertise in this area and can discuss sexual options.
When you take care of yourself and nurture yourself as you deserve, you can have a healthy sex life even when faced with diabetes. It may not be what we think of traditionally due to health challenges, but with creativity and care, you can still have intimacy, pleasure, and good sexual health.