Trusted for 25+ Years
Healthy Sunscreens & Sexy Skin

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

Avoid Toxins In Sunscreens
Do you remember the days of not wearing sunscreen? While it is good to have some sun exposure for healthy vitamin D levels, most of us understand the importance of wearing sunscreen when in the sun for long periods. Whether you are having some fun in the sun with outdoor sexual play or just living your best life sunscreen is important.
Most people know to look for broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection and avoid parabens, PABA, etc. Unfortunately, many sunscreens contain oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate, which are potentially toxic chemicals absorbed through our skin into our bloodstream. However, before you avoid sunscreens, let's look at why some of the chemicals in them that are mentioned on the internet as toxic are actually not.
In addition, a 2021 test found various brands of sunscreen to contain benzene which is a carcinogen associated with blood cancers such as leukemia. A recall of these products was done as benzene was not supposed to be in the products.
Internet Misinformation
A typical problem on the internet is that you often find self-appointed experts who hear that a chemical is harmful to you and then go around on blogs, videos, etc., telling everyone to avoid products with specific chemicals in them. However, because they are not educated about chemistry, they often do not realize that chemistry is not that straightforward and that what they are saying may be incorrect.
Some ingredients can be labeled as harmful but are not dangerous when combined with other chemicals. For example, avobenzone can break down in the sun and cause cellular damage, but the chemical octocrylene stabilizes it. Thus it is safe to use when they are combined. Another example is that uncoated zinc oxide with avobenzone can be toxic, so reputable sunscreen makers always make sure the zinc is coated as it is body-safe to use that combination.
Natural Sunscreens
If you are looking for healthier sunscreens, zinc and titanium-based sunscreens often contain natural ingredients. If they are correctly manufactured, they do not have the same potentially harmful side effects.
Make sure to put it on thoroughly as you can, as not putting it on well can lead to harmful sun exposure. If you have a partner, check one another out for signs of skin cancer and take turns putting on sunscreen to lovingly protect one another. Be a savvy consumer and enjoy the sun!