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Shower Sex
Erotic Story Submitted By Anonymous Guest Author
Water; hot, soft, pulsating. It runs down your body as you stand under the spray. It trickles, making rivulets, running down into every hollow, and every crease of your body. It caresses your face, your neck, and your breasts, dripping off of your nipples. You can feel the heat from the water coursing down your back, and you think of my hands, roaming over you, exciting you. You reach for the soap, lathering your hands, and bring them to your face, smoothing the bubbles over your soft skin, inhaling the scent. Your hands move to your neck, rubbing, circling, and caressing, down to your breasts. Your hands are slick, sliding easily over the mounds.
Your hand softly cradles a breast, while your other hand moves across your stomach, making a trail of lather. Your thumb grazes across a nipple, and slowly circles, bringing it to a peak. The bar of soap falls from your hand as you cradle your other breast, pinching a nipple. You squeeze them both simultaneously and gasp at the sharp knife of need that rips through you. Oh, how you need me there... to ease the ache you feel beginning in the pit of your stomach.
You turn in the spray, facing the water and close your eyes—the water washing all traces of the lather away. Your hands reach up as you turn again, running your fingers through your hair. You bend slightly, stooping to retrieve the bar of soap, and resume the ritual of cleansing your body. You bring the bar to your stomach, circling, swirling, and lathering your skin once again. Your hands move over your torso, your ribs, and circle your body to reach your back. Your hands run up and down, around, slick with lather, and again you want to feel my touch, and your hands become mine. Roaming, caressing, feathery light touches. Your hands move to the front of your body again and slowly trail down to the tiny, trimmed, and sparse curls above your pussy.
Your head falls back, the water running through your hair, down your face, your eyes closed, your lips slightly apart, as your hands begin to lather the soft curls. You take a small step to the side, spreading your legs slightly to allow your hands to cleanse, caress. In your mind... I am there.
You move your hands to one leg, starting at the top of your thigh, and making small circles, washing your skin. You bend, your breasts falling, bouncing slightly as you reach to your knee, then to your ankle. You move to your other leg, working the lather up your leg, to your knee, your thigh, and again to the curls where your legs meet. You straighten, and lather your hands with the bar of soap once more, making your fingers slick, and move your hands to your core.
You cup your pussy with one hand, and slowly move it across your lips, your finger parting them slightly as you cover them with lather. You move your hand back and forth, your middle finger slipping between your swelling lips, grazing your clit ever so slightly. You stop, and your fingers move to part your lips, your other hand moving down to run the bar of soap across the delicate folds.
You move the soap over your pussy, your fingers moving through the curls, slick with lather. One finger slides further into the folds, and you slide it in, your knees buckle slightly, and a soft moan escapes your lips. You imagine my fingers, touching, exploring you, and continue to caress yourself, lost in the feeling; the dreams of me are ever so present.
You feel the temperature of the water change slightly, and snap out of your reverie, although you can still feel the pulsing need consuming you. Reaching for the shampoo, you squeeze a small amount into the palm of your hand and begin to lather your hair. Your fingers run through it, combing through the curls, and you turn to rinse out the lather. Again, as you feel the bubbles run down your back, to the crease of your ass, and you think how I'd love to cup your cheeks in my hands, squeezing, and run a finger into the crease.
Your hands reach up and move the showerhead slightly, so the spray is falling at a different angle...not quite as sharp. You lie down on the floor of the shower, closing your eyes. One knee bent, you straighten your other leg and place your foot against the wall. The angle of the water is just right, hitting your pussy. Your hands reach down and part the swollen lips, allowing the water to hit your delicate skin. The feeling, god. It's like a million feathery touches all at once.
Again you moan and think of me, your lover, and my tongue flicking lightly over your clit, my fingers sliding into you as I pinch your clit in my lips. The spray of water is not even; it moves across your pussy sporadically, a rogue drop hitting your clit every few seconds. Oh yessss, mmmmmm, you begin to move your hips, side to side, arching up and down. Your soft moans become deeper, louder, and you move one finger to slide into your wet center.
You slide your finger in and out of your pussy, your other hand moving to hold your lips back and apart, the water still falling upon your swollen clit. Your orgasm comes quickly, forcefully, and your body spasms, your skin quivering. You lay silently, slowly removing your hands from your slick pussy, letting the water flow over your flesh for a few moments before standing and turning off the taps. You sigh, and open the door, and see my face, my smile. You blink in surprise. I am there before you, naked, rigid with excitement from the experience I have just pleasured my eyes with.
I take you by the hand, and without a word, I stepped you back into the shower. The hot water melted away my tensions as you relaxed your body against mine, with your back against my abdomen, and your head against my chest.
I caress your breasts gently with soapy hands, and you melted deeper against me. My cock began to harden even more now and throb against your lower back. You could feel my excitement grow against you, and you began to sway your body back and forth a bit, which made me grow harder and more erect, while I kissed the sides of your neck passionately.
With desires mounting quickly, you pulled yourself upwards, bringing your ass over my swollen head and shaft. Then leaning forward slightly and holding onto the shower railings, you brushed the backside of your vulva against my shaft, then slicker than butter. I slid between your legs and became lost within your depths.
You cried out as you lifted yourself up and down, and I pulled your ass close to my groin, which took me deeper within you. Holding you tight with one hand around your waist, I reached around you with the other hand and very easily found your excited clit, and with the firm, rapid pressure that you love, I enticed you to the edge as you rocked your hips back and forth on my cock.
"Oh, baby, I'm not going to last much longer," I whispered as you filled my body with exquisite pleasure. "Cum for me, baby, cum for me," I coached as I rubbed more vigorously, and you rocked faster and harder.
Your legs tensed against my thighs, your clit twitched against my finger, your pussy spasmed against my cock, and you whimpered short passionate moans of delight as you reached your heights.
Now thrusting you faster up and down upon me, the water splashed all over as I let loose and thrust with you; deeper and deeper inside you, I delved. Now I was also holding the sides of the shower, as my mind and body reached an incredible euphoria.
With our legs and arms tired from supporting ourselves, we collapsed again and relaxed on the floor of the shower...the water from the showerhead a soft rain drenching our hot bodies. You resumed your position against me. Your head leaning against my pounding chest and your lower back now against my soft and completely satisfied cock. I wrapped my arms around you and softly caressed your breasts once again, this time not for stimulation, but for comfort and closeness. You nestled closer to me as I held you tight.
Then I rose, stepped out of the shower, and took you by the hand to help you out. I reached for the softest, fluffiest towel, which I had set out earlier and slowly dried your lovely body, patting and dabbing you like I was using a powder puff. I began to get aroused again as I admired your body.
Once dry from head to toe, I carried you into the bedroom, where I had several soft candles burning. The faint aroma of beeswax filled the room and added a soft touch to the air. I had put your favorite music in the CD player, and as I lay you on the bed, I hit the play button.
Once you were comfy on the bed, I reached under the bed and presented you with a rose. "You felt fantastic, baby, you are so perfect," I whispered as I handed it to you.
Your eyes sparkled with a glow of contentment. I knew I had achieved my goal. We snuggled and cuddled for a while, and then to my surprise, you showed your appreciation by slipping between my legs and wrapping your hot, wet lips around my cock and sucking me into oblivion.