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Vaginal Fisting: How To Do It Safely

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert
How to Fist
Vaginal fisting is not for everyone and should be done with great care. Many consider fisting a fetish and as extreme penetration by inserting an entire fist of someone's hand inside the vagina. If you decide to try this, there are some crucial tips you will need to follow, such as proper hygiene, lubrication, and patience. The following instructions are for the partner who will be doing the fisting.
Before Fisting
- Ensure your hands are well cleaned, which means washing with soap for at least thirty seconds. Fingernails should be well-trimmed and filed down. You may wish to use a nitrile glove to prevent harmful bacteria from being introduced into the vaginal canal.
- Use amble lubrication, see: The Ultimate Personal Lubricant Guide
- Start with small insertions, such as two or three fingers, before working up to the entire hand. Also, see: Fingering Tips For The Vagina & Clitoral & Vaginal Orgasm Guide.
- Move slowly to avoid a sudden tear, which can be very painful.
Fisting Techniques
An excellent technique to start with is by using well-lubricated finger at the tip of the opening. Start by making circles around the outer vaginal lips (labia). Begin with fingers, work up to four, and keep checking to make sure it is comfortable. Finally, begin to insert the thumb and slowly work your way in twisting and rotating gently. Be patient and go slow.
Your fist may feel like it gets sucked in at first, but you will be able to move around more freely once in. To remove the fist put fingers together and straight forward and twist out just as you inserted them. You will want to focus on the G-spot. See more about the G-spot and how to stimulate it.
Clitoral Stimulation
It may be helpful to have your partner climax before fisting. The reason is that the vagina expands inside after climax, making fisting more comfortable. Using manual stimulation or a vibrator on the clitoris is highly effective for reaching orgasm. See more under our guides:
Because fisting is an intense experience, you will want to ensure that your partner is doing well afterward. You may want to add some soothing lubrication, offer them some water to drink, and give them some extra pampering in their recovery. Pay attention to any spotting of blood afterward, and should there be any bleeding, you may wish to review this with a physician.
Is Fisting Safe?
If it is done correctly and the recipient listens to their body and enjoys the stimulation, it can be. Be careful how often or how extreme you get with this type of activity, as you do not want to cause a vaginal prolapse.
Vaginal Prolapse
This is a condition where the vagina falls out of position. This is more common in women who have had multiple vaginal deliveries during childbirth, who are menopausal or postmenopausal, are smokers, or are plus-size.
Also, certain preexisting health conditions may make this unsafe for some people, so making sure to speak with your physician if you have any concerns is always recommended. See our guide on How To Talk To Your Doctor About Sex for helpful ways to address your concerns.
In Closing
Sex should be pleasurable, so if fisting should become too intense or painful, then you can always stop. The vagina is amazing in stretching and returning to its usual shape, so the most important thing you can do to keep your vagina healthy is pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercise) to keep the pelvic floor muscles strong.