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Vulva & Vagina Facts

Dr. Lisa Lawless, CEO of Holistic Wisdom
Clinical Psychotherapist: Relationship & Sexual Health Expert

The Vulva & Vagina
There are many mysteries surrounding the vulva, and understanding such a basic part of our sexual anatomy is something that we should all be educated about. After all, it is where life is made and delivered. Because most of the vulva is internal, many have not fully seen what their own bodies look like. We encourage vulva owners to get to know their body by holding a handheld mirror up and just looking at the beautiful flower they have.
We All Begin As Female
Upon conception, we all begin as female, and it is not until a Y chromosome is added that a male will develop. Females are the platform of the human species, and males are a chromosomal mutation. We all have the same basic anatomy; it just evolves differently depending on the sex of the fetus. Below are the equivalent genital comparisons from female to male.
- Clitoris = Head Of The Penis
- Clitoral Hood = Foreskin
- Clitoral Legs = The Shaft Of The Penis
- Female Prostate = Male Prostate
- Ovaries = Testicles
- Fallopian Tubes = Appendix Testis
- Uterus, Cervix, Vagina = Prostatic Utricle
- Labia Majora = Scrotum
- Labia Minora = Penile skin
Sometimes people do not identify with their chromosomes' biological sex and are transgender. Please see our LGBT+ Guide for more information.
Most people say the word vagina when they mean the vulva. The vulva includes the labia, clitoris, urethra, and vaginal opening. Once inside the vagina, it is lined by the vaginal walls, which connect to the uterus and cervix. When referring to the external genitals, it is called the vulva, not the vagina.
Mons Pubis
The mons veneris is the fatty tissue that covers the pubic bone. It is often where there is the most amount of pubic hair.
Labia Majora
The labia majora are the large, fleshier outer lips of the vagina. They cover and protect the vulva. They are usually covered with pubic hair and have sweat and oil glands.
Labia Minora
The labia minora are the inner lips of the vulva that help protect the vaginal opening. They also protect the urethra and clitoris. The appearance of the labia minora can vary from being short, long, thin, plump, and varied in color. When sexually aroused, the labia minora will swell and pull apart. They are quite sensitive and are a good place for sexual stimulation. When the labia minora is too long, it can cause health issues and may require labiaplasty.
The clitoris is the equivalent of the head of a penis. It is a small body of spongy tissue that is very sexually sensitive. The clitoris is protected by a clitoral hood (prepuce) which is the surrounding tissue similar to that of the labia minora. When sexually aroused, the clitoris may push out past the clitoral hood making it more accessible. The size of the clitoris varies, just as penis size varies. To learn more about the clitoris, please see our educational Clitoris Guide.
The opening to the urethra is just below the clitoris and is where urine comes out. It is hidden under minor folds of skin (labia minora). It connects to the bladder and eventually to the kidneys, where urine is produced. As the urethra is positioned close to the anus, it is vital to wipe front to back after urinating to avoid bringing fecal matter that may contain harmful bacteria into the urethra, which can cause a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). The urethra is where the female prostate drains female ejaculate through the female prostate (Skene's glands) ducts.
The Hymen
The hymen is a thin membrane that can stretch across the vagina and typically has a ring-like appearance around the vaginal opening. Its purpose is theorized to protect the vagina from infection; however, there is no real medical purpose that has been found.
It is thought by some to be virginal tissue, indicating virginity (penis and vaginal intercourse), but nonsexual activity, such as exercising or inserting a tampon, can tear a hymen and some girls are born without them. For more information about this, please see our educational guide: Sexual Discrimination & Virginity Myths.
Vaginal Opening
The vaginal opening (vaginal vestibule or introitus) is the opening into the vagina and is located between the urethra and anus. It is where menstrual blood and babies come out and where a penis or dildo can penetrate.
Vaginal Walls
The vaginal walls are mucus membranes that cover muscle and are very similar to that of the tissue that makes up the inside of one's mouth. It contains elastic fibers that can stretch to accommodate fingers, a penis, dildo, fist, or child.
The vaginal wall is sensitive to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The cells store glycogen which is broken down by bacteria and shed during the bleeding of a period. This helps maintain healthy pH levels in the vagina and protects against harmful bacteria and fungi.
All Vaginas Are Different Inside And Have Different Shapes
Most people know that the labia (vaginal lips) come in different lengths, colors, and sizes, but did you know that no two vaginas are alike? The picture below are diagrams of vaginal molds made using a flexible two-part putty, molded to the shape of actual vaginas, in which standard catheters (flexible implant tubes) were used. These are the actual internal shapes of vaginas, which is why they all feel different inside when a partner puts their finger or penis inside.
Every Vaginia Has A Different Shape
A complex network of folds, ridges, and glandular tissue varies from person to person. This means that there is no such thing as a "normal" vagina, as everyone's anatomy is different. Some vaginas have a more shallow vaginal canal, while others are deeper.
Vagina Shape Influences Sexual Experiences
The angle and position of the cervix can also differ significantly. All of the variables can impact sexual experiences and overall health. For instance, certain sexual positions may be more comfortable or pleasurable based on the unique shape and size of the vagina.
The G-spot
The G-spot is an area of sensitive nerve endings located along the front wall of the vagina about 2-3 inches inside. It was first mentioned in the 1950s International Journal of Sexology by Dr. Ernest Gräfenberg, which is why it is called the G-spot. However, referring to it as the G-Area or G-Region is more accurate. For more education about the G-spot, please see our educational guide: Find The G-Spot & Stimulate It.
Female Prostate
The female prostate was once referred to as the Skene's glands as it was first described by Dr. Alexander Johnston Chalmers Skene in the late nineteenth century. They have also been referred to as the paraurethral, vestibular, and periurethral glands. Bordering the clitoral legs, they are similar to the male prostate, which, when stimulated, produces sexual pleasure and a similar fluid. They are two glands that open into two small ducts, with a pin-hole-sized opening located along both sides of the urethra. They are considered part of the G-spot area, and the fluid that comes from them is referred to as female ejaculation. See our guide about female ejaculation for more information: How To Female Ejaculate Guide.
Sexual Arousal
When a woman becomes aroused, her pelvic and genital areas fill with blood. This is called engorgement and is the same phenomenon that makes a penis erect, making genitals feel more sensitive. When the clitoris is engorged, it can get three times larger, and the female prostate will fill with fluid making the G-spot area easier to feel.
When the vagina responds to sexual stimulation, it also becomes lubricated. How much lubrication depends on hydration, diet, duration of arousal, age, and health. For helpful education about combatting lubrication challenges, please see our Vaginal Dryness Guide.
Vaginal Health Guides
Various health conditions can affect the vulva and vagina. Below are helpful guides for keeping it healthy:
- How To Talk To Your Doctor About Sex
- Natural Yeast Infections Remedies
- Numb Vagina & Vaginal Twitching
- Painful Vaginal Sex
- Vaginal Steaming
- Vulvar & Vaginal Atrophy
- Vaginal Prolapse Help
- Vaginal Sex Techniques
- Fingering Tips For The Vagina
- Does Vagina Size Matter?
Vulva Fun Facts
- The average vagina is about 3 to 6" deep.
- The blue whale has the largest vagina, about 6 - 8 feet long.
- A woman who was 7'8" tall has the record for the largest vagina.
- The longest clitoris on record is 4.5 inches long and 1.5 inches in diameter.
- Some African tribes stretch their labia to be as long as seven inches in length.
- The most orgasms that a woman has had in one hour have been 134. A man was recorded as having had 16 in comparison.
- The longest orgasm on record is 43 seconds with 25 consecutive contractions.
- The longest pubic hair on record is 28" (71.12 cm) long.
- In the middle ages, women were thought to be less capable of getting pregnant if they had orgasms which is the opposite. Women are more likely to get pregnant if they have orgasms.
- The birth control method of the IUD was invented in 1909.
- Both the vagina and the eye are self-cleaning organs.
- Orgasms are great for women as they relieve menstrual cramps. The muscles contracting during an orgasm move the blood and lining away from congested organs and relieve tension.